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Jisoo's POV

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Jisoo's POV

It's Saturday late afternoon, I went to the garden to enjoy the beautiful view and the scent of the flowers. I have no friends or family... well I do have a family but my parents died and my other family members are busy. Aunt CL told me that my parents were killed in a car crash. 

(A/N: Yes, she doesn't know the real reason. And I changed Jisoo's name to her real name so you guys won't be confused.)

The next day, I was greeted by Aunt CL. I was so happy at least someone is here. "Hello, Aunt CL! I miss you!" I said to her, "I miss you too, Jisoo!" she said which made me hug her and she hugged back. "What brings you here?" I said, "Your going to school now, for you to meet new friends." she said, "But isn't homeschooling better? So that no one can harm me and I won't harm others." I said. "Don't worry dear, we will hire guards to protect you." she said which made me smile. I agreed to her, maybe she was right I should make friends. But what if no one likes me? What if I will be left out? 


I'm happy she agreed, she will surely have fun and make new friends. She's a strong woman, she can do anything... but she doesn't know

A few days later

Jisoo has been going to school and she hasn't make any friends, she was a left over until Nini came, she became best friends with her and they hangout after school, they enjoyed each others company.

Jisoo's POV

Nini is a fun person to be with, she's my only friend but atleast I have one. She's really friendly, she's basically friends with everyone... shocking, I know. Today is Saturday me and Nini decided to hangout we told our favorite food, things, and many more. We wanted to know more about each other, and she's amazing! Me and Nini went back home since it was getting late. 

Time skip

I went to school, and Nini wasn't there she usually waits for me but I didn't mind. I then heard a notification sound it was come from my phone.



Hi Soo! Sorry I can't come to school

My mom's sick!


Okay! Hopefully your mom

gets well soon!❤

The Conversation has ended

After reading the text I was sad because she wasn't here, but it's okay no one's gonna stop me from going to school. I was going to my English class it was my first subject period. The teacher arrived and started discussing the topic. Then suddenly she came...

Lilith Moonfall...

Lilith's POV
"Goodmorning miss, sorry I'm late it was traffic." I said to the teacher, "It's alright, you can sit beside Bambam." Bambam please raise your hand, and a guy was raising his hand. While I was looking through the class to find him, I found Jisoo Everglade. How is she here? She isn't allowed to go to school! But it's good though so she can have a friend. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I finally met my ex-bestfriend:)

Jisoo's POV

She smiled at me, and to not be rude, I smiled back. The teacher continued discussing the lesson. 

Time skip (nothing really happened lol)

It's now lunch time, and I have no one to sit with which is fine because no one sits with me when I'm eating at home so I'm used to it. I went to buy my meal, and I sat at an empty table. I can hear noises from other students, and it made me annoyed, a little... okay maybe not a little but a lot! I got annoyed then there was peace and quiet, not much people are talking and some are whispering. What the hell just happened? But it's good I can enjoy my lunch now.

I continued eating my lunch and while I was eating I can feel someone looking at me. Weird. But I didn't mind. "Hi, can I sit here?" I look up hearing a familiar voice.

Lilith's POV
"Hi, can I sit here?" I said to Jisoo. "Sure." she said, we were eating quietly and it was awkward, so I decided to break the silence. "S-sorry, I'm sorry I told you to stay away from me. It was because my mom told that I'll be going to school and I didn't tell because I knew you weren't allowed." I said looking down at my food. "It's okay, Lili. You could have just told me I won't be angry at you." she said which made me smile. "Friends?" I asked, "no" she said which made me very sad.

"You didn't let me finish yet." she said which made me look to her. I understand it. I don't deserve her forgiveness. "no, because we will be bestfriends." she said which made my eyes lit up. "For real?" I asked, "For real, I missed you, Lili" she said. "I missed you too." I replied which mad her smile.

The day was going well but there was a weird man watching us, but he was a student so I just forgot about him.


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