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❝ it's the unexpected

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❝ it's the unexpected

that changes

our lives ❞

Jisoo's POV
"I know both of your parents, and your mom is my little sister." ZV explained and all of us were shocked. "R-really? Then, do you know Aunt CL?" I asked, "Of course! She's my sister-in-law." Z- I mean Uncle ZV said, "Why didn't she introduce me to you?" I asked, "You weren't supposed to know me or anyone at all except CL, at that time I disagreed because I want to see my niece but she said if we will meet, the same accident might happen to you." Uncle ZV said, "What accident?" Jimin asked, "I'm also not sure what she means but I think it's when bad people do something to her? Just like what they did to the Everglades." Uncle ZV said in a questioning and sad tone. "Y-you kids should get going, it's getting late." Uncle ZV said and we all bid our goodbyes. It was a bit weird, it looks like he wants us to leave now. And it's still 3 pm how is that late? And he's stuttering?

Zileus' POV
"What incident?" Jimin asked, "I'm also not sure what she means but I think it's when bad people do something to her? Just like what they did to the Everglades." I said in a questioning and sad tone. Wait, what's that? I can sense wizards, the kids should leave now! They might hurt them. "Y-you kids should get going, it's getting late." I said, tf did I just shutter? Then, they bid their goodbyes. It's 3 pm, aish! Why did I say it's late?! I went outside to check if they left and they did, I could sense the wizar- wait it's more like sorcerers dark sorcerers to be exact, "Cave inimicum!" I said performing the spell. Are those Death Eaters?! What are they doing here?! "Avada kedavra!" I heard one death eater say, I need to inform someone, if I inform The Ministry they wouldn't believe me. Oh! I guess it's time to get back with an old friend. I should get going, there's no time to waste!

Vante's POV
"Isn't it weird? He didn't ask our names?" I asked, we are now at the Silver Coven. "Did you tell him, Jisoo?" Namjoon asked, "Nope! I'm not lying and also he wanted us to leave, something is wrong with him." Jisoo said. "Man, I'm getting scared how does he know our names?!" Jungkook exclaimed, "Do you really think he's my u-uncle?" Jisoo asked with a weird expression but she still looks cute and pretty- "And he said it's too late? It's 3 pm- I mean 3:37 pm!" Jimin said, "And he shuttered! That's a sign you're lying!" J-hope said, "Yeah, I suggest let's not meet him or do anything that involves him. He's suspicious and in this way we can protect ourselves. We have to play safe." Jin suggested and we all agreed. They all left but I called Jisoo to stay here for a while since I like- I gotta admit I meant love being with her, she's fun to be with. "So, let's go somewhere?" I asked and smiled and she responded with a nod and a smile.

I took her to an art museum, there weren't that many people. "Wow! I love it here, it's so pretty!" she said and I looked at her and smiled, "I'm glad you love it, let's go?" I said and she nodded and smiled. We took pictures of paintings and ourselves, of course.

 We took pictures of paintings and ourselves, of course

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We went to a restaurant and I took a photo of her while we were waiting for our food

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We went to a restaurant and I took a photo of her while we were waiting for our food. The picture I took was so pretty! I'm definetly keeping it!

While we were eating we talked about our life we would smile and laugh at times

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While we were eating we talked about our life we would smile and laugh at times. I also told her some of my secrets like when I pranked my mom and said it wasn't my fault. Yes, I was quite naughty when I was a kid. She's basically my vitamin, and I'm happy to be with her. I don't wanna lose her. I guess I fell for her too hard. I mean it's impossible to not fall for an angel.


cave inimicum- keeps the caster hidden from view, those on the other side of the shieled cannot see, hear, cast a spell, and smell them

avada kedavra- kills a person/magical being without injury, this spell is banned by The Ministry


thank you for reading! 💗

please vote! ☆

stay safe, bye!

thank you Raya_jop1997 for voting! check her stories out, it's so good!😊

thank you Raya_jop1997 for voting! check her stories out, it's so good!😊

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