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❝ you'll never know

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❝ you'll never know

unless you walk

on my shoes ❞

-BLACKPINK; You Never Know

Jisoo's POV
The bright sun woke me up from my messy bed. I stretched my body, to relax my muscles. I went to do my morning routine and a few minutes later I started eating breakfast. My primary goal for today is to find out who is Zileus Varlett. I have a lot of questions to ask him.

I told the boys to meet me at the Silver Coven and gladly they all agreed. "Hi, I would like to ask a favor. If I may?" I asked, "You may" the boys said, "Would you help me find ZV?"I asked, "Sure? But we will stop if we have too" Namjoon said and I smiled at him. "So?" I asked, "Who's ZV" the boys except Namjoon asked, "Zileus Varlett" I said. "Ok, but he's probably easy to find. You could've used a wherania charm." Jungkook said, "Powerful wizard's senses the charm even while you're making it." Jin explained, "He's powerful?" Jimin and J-hope asked, "The Daily Prophet says he made a Horcrux." Suga explained and everyone was shocked except me, Namjoon, and Jin. "a hor- wait really?" Tae asked, he was shocked. "Yes, it's just a rum-" I said but got cut off by Tae, "What if he'll kill us and our souls will be Horcruxes?!" Tae said, "I don't think he made a Horcrux, why would a professor from Hogwarts want to make a Horcrux? Who believes in The Daily Prophet? The Ministry feeds them lies to prevent people from chaos." I explained, "You have a point" J-hope said, "If he fights us we'll teleport back here ASAP, understood?" Namjoon said and we all agreed.

We have arrived and his house is a bit old, and it's covered by protective enchantments. "It has protective enchantments?!" Jungkook said, "Who would want someone to come in their house and rip them apart? This was probably used to prevent reporters." I explained, "Oh! Right!" he said and I chuckled. "So, what do we do?" Jimin asked, "Think?" Suga said and we all started thinking.

Suddenly, a thought came up from my mind. I should definitely try it! There's nothing wrong if you try. I relaxed and closed my eyes, mumbled 'mittite' and thought 'it is well.' All the boys looked at me confused, "Huh?" J-hope asked, "Look!" Jungkook said pointing at the house, it seems like it worked, I smiled at the thought. "How?" Jimin asked in disbelief, "How did you kids do it? Stu-" (A/N: he was about to say stupefy) ZV was about to say the spell but I reacted quickly "Protego!" "Expelliaramus!" Namjoon said, and both of our wands flew away. "We mean no harm." Jimin said, "Then why ar-" ZV froze when he looked at me, "Jisoo?" he asked which made my body stop. "H-ho-" I said but he cut me off, "Get inside, kids" ZV said and the two of us went to pick up our wands. He then went near the gate and I heard him (ZV) say "Repello Muggletum!" and "Salvio Hexia!" At least I know we're protected.

He served us tea but I told the boys through my mind 'don't drink them', and they didn't drink it. Who knows he might put poison in the drink?! "Don't worry, there's no poison in the tea. And it's good that you don't accept drinks for strangers." ZV said and chuckled, "How do you know me?" I asked and everyone looked at ZV, and he smiled at me? "Come here" he said and we all followed him, the room was filled with books and papers and stuff. "Don't let me die please, I don't wanna die without saying goodbye to my parents properly." Jungkook whispered but it was a bit loud, and ZV heard it. "I-I'm sorry" Jungkook bowed to him and ZV chuckled. "Well, let's discuss that first. I didn't make a Horcrux, The Ministry told The Daily Prophet that I did because they saw me holding one and-" ZV said but he got cut off by Jimin "And why would you hold one? You know how dangerous a Horcrux is". "It was because someone threatened me and told me to get it, and if they didn't t-they would kill my s-sister, but after I gave them the Horcrux they attacked me, and my sister and her husband were d-dead." ZV explained and he was crying, I feel really bad for him he was falsely accused! "How do you know me? I have never met you." I said while looking at ZV confused, "You have met me, you just don't remember" ZV said, "Would you like to explain?" I asked, "I would love to" ZV said and everyone smiled.


mittite- a charm used by mages to send messages to magical beings through their minds


explanation on the next chap

tysm for 300+ reads! ♡

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please vote, bye! ☆

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