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❝ My heart is so full of you

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❝ My heart is so full of you

I can hardly call it my own. ❞

-Liana Rădulescu


 ,,📍:[School - Hallways]⌇·˚ ༘"Hi, Chu! My brother told me that you guys are gonna take the test

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,,📍:[School - Hallways]⌇·˚ ༘
"Hi, Chu! My brother told me that you guys are gonna take the test. Good luck!" Nini said and I smiled, "Thank you, Nini!" I said while hugging her and she hugged back. "I'll get going now! See you tomorrow, unnie!" she said and I waved at her. Yes, school is over and I'm gonna go home now. My house is near the school that's why I always walk. I started walking until I reached my house.

- ,,📍:[My house]⌇·˚ ༘
I have arrived at my house and I called Ellie, which is one of our maids. "Yes, Jisoo?" she said, "Where's auntie?" I asked, "She said she's busy at work, she might not be with you." she said and I nodded. "She's so busy, what's her work?" I asked, "Well, I also don't know. She just said she's at work." she said and I nodded again. 

I went upstairs to go to my room but before I did I saw a woman dressed in black. "Who are you?" I asked, "Finally! You're here! It took me ages." she said, "Who are you! Get out!" I shouted, "I will but after you answer my question." she said, "No, get out!" I shouted, "I see why Voldemort hates you, you're a tough one." she said, "Voldemort?" I said, "Yeah, he's my master. I should have killed you by now but he should be the one to kill you. Annoying, I know." she said while rolling her eyes which made me scoff. "You won't find answers here so I suggest you should leave." I said, "Aww, it's just one question." she said, "Should I kill you now?" she said and it made me scared. "If you do, your master will be angry at you." I said acting tough, "Not you. Him." she said pointing at the chair near my closet. "Uncle Zylan?!" I said and I was about to run fast but she gripped my hair, "Ouch!" I shouted. If only my room wasn't soundproof, I would be alive by now. "Nuh- uh- uh- Not so fast." she said, "ANSWER. MY. QUESTION. FIRST." she added and I shook my head as a no. "I guess you want him to die then." she said pointing her wand at him and I could hear his muffled scream. "STOP!" I said while crying, I don't want anyone to die because of me. "Good girl." she said patting my head, "Now. answer honestly. Have you seen a round object, that is holographic?" she said, "No." I said, "She's telling the truth." a voice said and she let go of me, "What's your name?" I asked her, "Bellatrix Lestrange." she said and I nodded, "Goodbye, cousin." she said and laughed evilly. Cousin? What does she- OMG? "Your cousins with her?" I asked Uncle Zylan and he nodded quietly. "Bye" she said and disappeared, I immediately untied the rope from Uncle Zylan, "She's really your cousin?" I asked again in disbelief, "Yes, be careful of Bellatrix she may be my cousin but she's powerful too." he said, "How did she become one of Voldemort's followers?" I asked, "I also don't know. I knew just know, these past years we haven't seen each other." he explained, "What does she mean by the round holographic object? Is it a snowglobe?" I asked, "I'm not sure, but I'm sure it's a powerful object since she wants it." he said and I nodded. "Are you okay?" I asked, "Yes, I am. Please cast protective enchantments for you to be safe." he said, "I will! Stay safe too!" I said and smiled, "I'll get going now." he said and I waved at him. And I  casted protective enchantments.

I read a book about magical objects but none of them is described as a round object. I don't even know what's the name of the object. I found another book about ancient objects but almost all of them is described as a round object but none of it said it was holographic. Maybe Namjoon knows? I looked at the clock but it was already 12:05 pm. Oh, he's probably asleep by now. I went to my bedroom and slept.

- ,,📍:[School - Math Class]⌇·˚ ༘
I'm currently at my math class and it's hella boring. I looked at my watch and 3 minutes more it will be lunchtime. It's not because I'm hungry but it's because this class is boring and I need to find Namjoon. And a few minutes later, the bell rang. "Goodbye class!" the teacher said and I sighed in relief. I ran as fast as I can to the cafeteria not minding if people looked at me weirdly, and I saw Jimin sitting alone so I went to him. "Hey, where's Namjoon?" I asked, "Oh, he's absent today. His family had a reunion." he explained, "When will he come back?" I asked, "Next week." he said, "Are you kidding me?" I asked not believing him, "I'm not." he said and I sighed. "Hey Chim! And Soo! What's with Namjoon?" Jungkook said, "I need to ask Namjoon about something." I said and he nodded. "What is it? Maybe we can help?" Jimin said, "I need to find something round and holographic." I said, "A snowglobe?" Jin said as he sat beside Jungkook, "That's what I thought at first. But it has to be a magical object." I said, "Oh, a magical snowglobe!" Jungkook said, "I read a book about magical things, and there's no magical snowglobe." I said and Jungkook pouted, "How about ancient objects?" Jimin said and Jin nodded, "There's a lot of round ones and none says it's holographic." I said and they nodded, "Why do you want to find it?" Jin asked, "I also don't know to be honest. Something in me says I need to find it." I explained and their mouths formed into an 'o'. "I hope you'll find it." Jimin said and I smiled at him. I went out of my seat to order food since I'm quite hungry. 

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• Thanks for 900 reads and 180 votes!

• Check out my story "Find me in Amsterdam" (VSOO)

• I'm still thinking about Suho's nose:D

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• What time is it in your time zone? It's 8:24 pm here! ♡
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• What time is it in your time zone? It's 8:24 pm here! ♡- - - - - - - - - -

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