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❝ Some things are meant to end

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❝ Some things are
meant to end. ❞


"What?! Then who was the person I'm talking to? Taehyung saw it too!" I explained and he showed me a picture of Mr

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"What?! Then who was the person I'm talking to? Taehyung saw it too!" I explained and he showed me a picture of Mr. Everard. "Who's this?" he questioned, "Mr. Everard, the one who talked to me a few hours ago." I stated, "It seems like he did talk to you." he confirmed, "I think the person drank polyjuice potion." he added, "Oh." the word slipped off my tongue, I was in deep thought. I left the office and went to the Great Hall. I sat at one of the tables, tapping my fingers, I was thinking what to do with the stone, who to give it to. I stopped thinking when I heard a sound of a bell chiming which was heard outside. Curiosity got the best of me which made me went outside.

The clouds were dull and grey which had a light tint of white. The clouds themselves screamed "DEATH". There was a skull formed by the clouds and it was looking at me. "Come with me to the Forbidden Forest or many lives would be at risk." the skull suddenly disappeared and the clouds turned back to white. I looked around and everyone was acting normal. I guess, he wanted to meet me. I checked my pockets and sighed, I don't want anyone to die because of me.

I went to the Forbidden Forest, I didn't know where to go but I unknowingly found the way. "That dimbo isn't going here?!" I heard someone exclaimed she sounded like my aunt? Oh, she is my aunt. "Auntie! What are you doing here?" I asked, "Pathetic little girl." she said which made me furrow my eyebrows, she was never mean to me. She slowly transformed into Bellatrix Lestrange? "Bellatrix? What are you doing in my aunt's body?!" I almost erupted like a volcano whose magma is deadly. "Your aunt wouldn't let you go to school, so I had to come up with a plan. Because I'm so good, the plan worked, and here you are." she smirked and my jaw went down on the floor, while my eyebrows were way up in the clouds. "Come along. You don't want anyone to die? Or do you?" she smirked and if she said another word I would erupt by now. 

I followed her to another part of the forest. The place was dead silent and no living things have been spotted. "Finally, she's here." Voldemort started smiling like he had an evil scheme. And he did. "Let's make this fast. Do you wanna know the reason your parents died, and not you? If you want to know you should give me the stone and I wouldn't hurt you or someone you love so dearly." he stated and I bit my lip. I decided to give him the stone since I didn't want anyone to die because of me, I never wanted my parents to die in the first place. I looked at my pocket and stepped towards him, I got the stone out of my pocket and gave it to him. "You made the right decision, Jisoo." he grinned like he got what he wanted. "You won't kill me or anyone, right?" I asked to be sure. "I will." his laughed roared like how a lion would, "B-but you promised?" I complained, "I didn't promise you, I just told you and besides I changed my mind just now." he smirked, I was about to get my wand out to duel him but the Death Eaters stopped me. They held me tightly to prevent me from getting near him. "The main reason I got the stone was that I knew you would get it for me." he stated which made me scrunch my eyebrows.

The clouds started to turn dull and gray, and thunder roared like a beast who caught its prey. The once silent atmosphere was now the opposite. Voldemort closed his eyes, and placed the stone near his heart- does he even have one? Let's just say he placed it on his chest. "Make me the most powerful, and kill those who defy me." he stated and a blue light flashed in my eyes and everything went black.

"We all die, and life has to come to an end."

not for me

but for Voldemort.

I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Everard beside me, "Are you okay?" he asked, "I am." I said and looked around, they were gone, it's all over. "It worked." I smiled and felt at peace. "Jisoo!" a voice said which made me turn around, and when I did a hug greeted me. "Tae..." I smiled, and I unknowingly started crying. "Jisoo..." he cooed and patted my back, "I-I was so scared, I didn't want to lose you." I sobbed, I didn't want anyone to leave me. "Don't cry. It's all over now, your plan worked didn't it?" he asked and I nodded, he got away from the hug and wiped my tears. "We're still soulmates, right?" Jimin appeared, "Yeah, you're my boy soulmate and Jisoo's my girl soulmate." Tae said proudly which made me chuckle. "What was your plan, Jisoo? Did you duel with him?" Jimin asked, and Tae started examining me for any scratch. "I'm glad you're okay-" Tae got interrupted by Jimin, "What's the plan?" Tae glared at him causing me to giggle. I suddenly forgot about Mr. Everard! I looked around and saw him talking with his wife. "WHAT'S THE PLAN?!" Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs which attracted attention, I heard him mumble a few sorry and he was bowing. Me and Tae tried our best not to giggle but we couldn't help ourselves. "What's the plan?" Jimin asked and sighed, "Lapis Mendacia in English is "Stone of Lies". It was originally named Lapis Merlin, Lapis because it looked like Lapis and Merlin since he put a part of his soul into it. When the people knew about what the stone could do, the people named it "Lapis Mendacia". If you make a wish it would bring the opposite of what you wish, Merlin did this because he believed that the only thing to get what you want is by working hard." I explained and Tae smiled at me proudly. "Thanks." he smiled, "And you guys should get a room." he rolled his eyes while waking away, "Get a girl first!" Tae shouted and he stuck his tongue out, Jimin's expressions signify that he was annoyed. 

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it finally ended- this chapter is so chaotic- next chapter is the epilogue! 

Lapis is a deep blue metamorphic rock with a tint of gold-covered over it.

Dimbo - British slang for idiot or dimwit.

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