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If it's not okay, it isn't the end

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If it's not okay, it isn't the end. ❞


I went to the next room and we were greeted by Ares, Hephaestus' brother

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I went to the next room and we were greeted by Ares, Hephaestus' brother. "Got your swords?" he asked and we both nodded. "Welcome to my room, where we will have a battle." he stated while sounding excited. "Battle?!" Jisoo asked to confirm if what she heard was right. "Yes, the two of you would be on the same team." he explained and he showed us our positions. The room had items that would mostly be red, a torch that lit up the room, and a mattress added to the flooring for safety.

He swung his sword Jisoo, but I quickly blocked it. Our swords were making unpleasant sounds due to the metal. I looked at Jisoo and unknowingly Ares pointed my sword at me, but Jisoo blocked him. Did she use magic? Which swept him off his feet and his sword had light scratches. "Magic isn't allowed!" he said which made me worried. "You never mentioned any rules." Jisoo said confidently, "Very well. You may pass." he said and I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

We entered a room and we saw a woman crying and she was tapping her shoes harshly. "My name is Zeus, and this is Hera. Please calm her down." he said and he disappeared. "Hera? What happened?" I asked, "Everyone hates me! They say I'm mean! Everyone hates me!" she said and her voice was getting lower with every word.

"Maybe you should try being kind to them? To change their minds?" I said but my tone was unsure, "I tried, but they hated me! Before I can even say a word, they said I'm a terrible person!" she said while crying. Jisoo started to rub her back, "Is there anyone you hate?" she asked, "Yeah... the p-people who h-hate me t-too." Hera bawled. "You don't need to like everyone, and everyone doesn't need to like you too. If you keep on crying they would be pleased, and they would throw harsh words on you." she stated, "They hate you because they're just jealous of you being a goddess." I added. She stopped crying and we both smiled. "Thank you, I feel a lot better!" she beamed, "You're welcome!" we both rejoiced. "You may go!" she winked at us and we entered the door.

We entered the door and it was a place with 5 candles, statues that represented the 12 Olympians, a table that was covered with a red silk cloth, and a box that was placed on top. "Do you think that's it?" I asked, "I don't know. Let's see." she stated as she opened the box. A deep blue-colored stone with some shades of gold was seen. "Woah! It's magnificent!" she exclaimed, "It truly is!" I beamed in happiness. Finally, we found it.

"Now, what do we- AHHH!" Jisoo screamed and I did too.

I slowly opened my eyes and we were now back at Hogwarts. I look around to find Jisoo and I saw her with the stone. "What happened?" she asked, "Just like what the man said we would be back at where we started. I think I'm starting to trust that guy." I rejoiced, " Let's go find him! We have to thank him!" she stated which made me smile, we were soon interrupted by a voice. "Hello! Sorry to say but can I borrow Tae for a bit?" Jimin asked, "Sure! No worries!" she said and Jimin pulled me to a corner.

"What?!" I exclaimed, I was quite annoyed. "Your sister f-fainted." he said which made my eyes widen. I immediately run to the hospital wing, and when I did I saw my sister, her and my friends, and Madam Pomfrey. "What happened?" I asked, "Tae, calm down!" Jungkook said, "How am I supposed to-" I was about to continue but Madam Pomfrey cut me off, "Don't worry she will wake up soon. She was hit by a quaffle." she explained which made me calm down a bit, but I didn't when she mentioned a quaffle. "Who would-" I was about to continue but I got cut off again. Gosh, they wouldn't let me speak. "Tae?" I beamed as I heard my sister's voice, "Are you okay? Who hit you with a quaffle? I swear I'll kill-" you know what happened. "Calm down. I wasn't looking in my direction since I was busy talking with Lili, and you don't need to kill Jimin." she said softly. "Okay fine, be careful next time." I said and she nodded. "Drink some water, okay?" Madam Pomfrey gave Nini a glass of water, and Nini drank it.

 "Drink some water, okay?" Madam Pomfrey gave Nini a glass of water, and Nini drank it

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Meanwhile on Jisoo's side

I went to the Headminister's office to ask him about Mr. Everard. All I know was that he was the oldest among the two. I knocked on the door and it opened revealing Professor Dumbledore. "Come in." he stated and I smiled. Don't worry, I kept the stone in the pocket of my cloak. "Is there any question you would like to ask?" he asked, "There is. Do you know Mr. Everard? The oldest one." I asked, "I do. We are great friends ever since he entered Hogwarts. I still remember him going around the library and reading books." he chuckled and I smiled, "Do you know where he is?" I asked, "He's in a much more safer place." he stated. "Where is the place? He told me that he'll be in Hogwarts, I tried finding him but I couldn't." I spoke, "When did he tell you this?" he questioned, "Hours ago." I responded, "That's impossible." he remarked. "How come?" I questioned.

"He died 7 years ago, Jisoo. You must be hallucinating." he stated.

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DUN DUN DUNNN! If he's dead, then who was Jisoo talking to? Let's find out in the next chapter! btw all my books are on hold! ill continue them after this book is completed! Thanks for reading! <3
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