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We went inside a room and there were a table and random stuff? "What's that?" he asked pointing at the random stuff, "I think it's stuff to make an arrow?" I said but my tone was unsure, we heard a loud noise that came from the right side

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We went inside a room and there were a table and random stuff? "What's that?" he asked pointing at the random stuff, "I think it's stuff to make an arrow?" I said but my tone was unsure, we heard a loud noise that came from the right side. We checked it out and an envelope was seen. "Should we open it?" I asked and he nodded.

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Make 20 arrows to go to the next room.
Make it extra sharp.

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"That's it?" he asked, "I guess?" I said, "Let's make- wait how do we make them?" he asked, "I also don't know but I read it in a book." I said and he nodded in awe. We ended up making 20 but the door didn't open. "This is quite easy but the door isn't opening." I said, "Maybe we missed something." he said which made both of us look at the arrows. Tae pulled me down to the table. "What?!" I said in an annoyed tone, he pulled me once again and I saw why he was doing this. The arrows are following us which made us go to separate ways. "Shoot! The arrows are very sharp!" I shouted, "Where's your wand?" he shouted, "The table!" I said and the arrow went to be but I dodge it, little did I know I started bleeding. Tae passed got his wand and he passed me my wand, "Protego!" I said and all the arrows went to the floor, and the door opened. 

We both went inside and it was a beach? "What do we do?" I asked, "Fight the waves using the arrows you created with Athena." a voice said, "Athena?" me and Tae exclaimed in unison, "Yes, the arrows are in the sand." the voice said and Tae elbowed me, "What?" I asked, "I think he's Poseidon." he said, "Yeah, I heard he's strong." I said, "We should be careful." he said and I nodded. "You ready?" Poseidon said, "Wait! If you break all the arrows Athena will die." I said, "A lot has tricked me so no." he said, "Trust me! It will since it is connected to her." I said, "Very well." he said and it was pitch black.

"Jisoo!" I heard Tae shout, "I'm here!" I said and the lights turned on. There was nothing, there was only a drain and us in a box. "Why are we in a box that's made of glass?!" I said, "Must be the next task." he said and I sighed. "We can't do anything here, we're stuck. And our wands or over there." I said pointing at the table outside the box. The liquid was filling us with the drain. "Isn't that a drain?" I said, "It is, but another person is draining the red liquid." Tae said. The liquid was near my mouth and I accidentally tasted it. "It's wine?!" I exclaimed, "Dionysus! He likes wine!" Tae said, "If only we could find a way to get out of here." I mumbled and I suddenly went outside the box. "Woah.." I said, "How did you do that?" Tae said and the box was almost filled, "I just thought outside the box." I said and he closed his eyes and he sank.

"Tae!" I shouted while touching the glass, his body disappeared and I felt arms behind my waist. "You scared me!" I said and punched his chest. He laughed, "You really think THE.KIM.TAEHYUNG. would die easily?!" he said but before I could respond I heard the sound of the door opening.

We went inside and the room looked like a forest. "What's happening?" I said while looking at my body. I was turning into a rabbit? I looked at Taehyung and he was turning into a bear. "Ha! Caught you!" a female voice said, "Oh no, run!" Taehyung said and we both ran as far as we could. We dodge the arrows the was thrown at us. I'm guessing it was Artemis, she likes hunting. "That's Artemis?" Tae said while running, "Yes- Tae!" I shouted as a fell on the ground because of a twig. "It hurts." I said while whimpering, "There you are!" Artemis said, I tried standing up but I kept on falling. Tae held me with his hands and placed me on his back, "Hold on tight." he said and I hummed in response. "Tae!" I shouted as a branched hit us. I guess he didn't notice since he was running so fast. "There you are!" Artemis said I tried running away be she bought caught us. I whimpered as she touches my paw. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said and she rode her horse while holding me. Tae followed her until we reached a small hut. "I don't have much stuff but I hope this helps." she said and she placed an ice packet in my paw. Tae gave me a reassuring smile which made me smile. A few minutes later, the pain on my paw was lessened. "I have to go hunt, make sure to not sprain your paw again, okay?" she said and I looked at her, she looked at Tae "I'm guessing you guys are great friends. Anyways I'll get going!" she said and she left the hut. We heard the sound of another door opened, it wasn't there the last time I check. I looked at Tae for permission and he nodded.

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hello!! ty for 1.7k reads! road to 2k reads! <3 tysm for reading! if you like it please vote, it helps a lot! have a nice day/night! <3
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