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Jisoo's POV

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Jisoo's POV

Today is Saturday and I woke up from the sound of my phone ringing. I checked who was calling me and it was Aunt CL.

In the call


Hi Auntie, Goodmorning!


Hi dear, Goodmorning too!

I'll be going out of the country for work,

bodyguards and maids will be with you.

Stay safe, Jisoo!


Okay! Have a safe flight Auntie!

Call Ended

I'm really curious about Aunt CL's work, is she a businesswoman? I asked her once but she said it's nothing important. She is a secretive person she never tells anything about her which I understand, she just wants privacy. I went to do my morning routine and after that I went to the garden. I got bored so I decided to take a tour, I did a tour three or four years ago? I'm not really sure. I was in the basement and I found a door, Aunt CL told me that it's where they store food. I heard a sound and its coming from the 'door', I opened it since I was curious. I was shocked, why would Aunt CL lie to me? There's no food in here, and it's similar to the room I went at Aunt CL's house before I fainted. I went to check if there was a lose tile, and there was.  I removed the tile, and the same box was there (the one in CL's house). I opened it and it wasn't a necklace, this time it was a ring also shaped as a butterfly. Are they connected? Well, Aunt CL owns this house so there's a possibility it's hers. Should I wear the ring? What if I faint? I wore the ring after debating whether I should or shouldn't, and this time I didn't faint. There's no bright light, maybe it only appears if there's a mirror? I went straight to the mirror but nothing happened. I went back to the door and went inside the room. I saw food? And everything turned white.

I'm laying in bed, and there was a maid beside me. She asked if I was okay, and I said I was. Why do I keep on fainting and what do butterflies mean? What's happening? I then went back to sleep because I was still a bit tired.

Vante's POV

I teleported to Miskins I love buying donuts from Miskins! Their donuts are delicious and colorful, everyone loves their donuts! Inside the shop I met an old friend, Seo-joon. "Hi, Seo." I said, "Hi, Tae. How's school in the human world?" he asked. "It's fun! I'm happy that my other friends are there too." I said, "That's good." he said and his phone started ringing. "I have to go Tae, see you soon." he said, "Bye!" I said with a smile.

After eating my donuts, I went to Silver Coven it's where meetings are held. Namjoon told me that we will have a meeting there. 

Time skip

"Hi everyone" Namjoon said, we all replied with a hello. "So, it is said that 'he' is building an army a big one to be exact, he will hire lots of people to destroy The Peony Kingdom." Namjoon added, "Should we tell others about this? So we can protect ourselves?" Jungkook asked, "Well, ever since the King and Queen died no one is listening to us, so we can't really convince them." Jin said, "Yeah, he's right. No matter what we do they won't listen to us." I said which made Jungkook pout. "Well, there's one person who can help us." Namjoon said, and all our eyes lit up. "Who is it?" everyone asked while Suga just had a bored expression. "It's the princess of course." Namjoon said which made all of us sad, "But it's just a myth? It might not be true." Suga said. "It's true." Namjoon said, "Joon, are you sure there is really a princess? If there is where is she now?" Jimin asked. "I have proof, but promise me you won't tell anyone about it." Namjoon said and all of us nodded. 

Flashback - Namjoon's POV

I went to the abandoned castle, and even though it's destroyed it still looked beautiful.

I went inside and lots of items were scattered, there was even a book called 'How to kill a mice' it was weird

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I went inside and lots of items were scattered, there was even a book called 'How to kill a mice' it was weird. 30 minutes later I found a dress it was for a baby, now I'm 100% sure that the King and Queen did have a daughter. There was also onesies, socks, beanies and etc. I left since I completed my mission.

End of Flashback

Vante's POV

"How did you get pass by the guards though? You can't just visit the castle anytime you want." I asked him, "Good question" Jungkook said. "I have a friend and he owes me a lot, he's a guard so he let me enter." Namjoon said and everyone nodded. "So, we already have proof that the princess is real, but what if she's dead?" Jin asked, "Oh, I did a 'èlchonsis potion'. It is said that she's alive." Namjoon said, "So, how can we find her?" Suga asked, "I have a plan." Namjoon said and all of us nodded.

I'll find her, I hope I can.


èlchonsis potion- after you make the potion, you will have to dip the piece of clothing of the person you want check. If the potion turns red it means the person is dead, if it turns blue the person is alive.

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