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I went to the library to search for more information about the stone

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I went to the library to search for more information about the stone. While I was searching someone patted my shoulder which made me turn around, it was a man dressed in black. "Finding the stone eh?" he said which made me raise my eyebrow, "Yes, who are you?" I asked, "Mr. Everard" he said and reach his hand out, he wanted me to shake his hand so I did. "Jisoo. Are you his brother perhaps?" I asked and he nodded, "I found out that there's a way to get the stone, but it's a bit hard." he said, "How do you get it?" I asked, "I don't know, but there's a secret passage in the Quickwerts Gallery. Only those who are proven worthy can get it." he said, "So, there are obstacles?" I asked, "Yes, of course. I heard a rumor that there's a portkey and it will lead you back to where you started." he said, "Would you mind showing me the way to Quickwerts?" I asked, "I wouldn't." he said and I smiled. We rode our brooms as I followed him.

- ,, 📍 [Quickwerts Gallery]⌇·˚ ༘
"Woah, it's so pretty." I said in awe and he smiled, "Here's a map, I won't go with you since I know you can do it." he said and I nodded. I went inside and all I heard was "Get out!" but I didn't mind, it might be like this so people will get scared and leave. I followed the map which led me to a secret passage, I went there but before I did someone grabbed my arm and hugged me tight, and before I can even scream he held my mouth close. I looked at the path again, and if that person didn't pull me I'd be dead by now. I got out of the grip and looked at my back to check who it was, it was the one and only Kim Taehyung. "Why are you here?!" I said, I didn't expect him to be here, "I don't trust that guy so I followed you. Who knows he might kidnap you, and trick you he has the stone." he explained, "But he didn't and besides I think the stone is here somewhere but we got to face the obstacles." I said, "I still don't trust that guy!" he said and I sighed, "Why are you always jealous?" I asked, "I don't wanna lose you." he said with a pout, I was gonna say something but a loud noise was heard.

"Look! It's another passage!" I said while pointing at it, "But we have to go through this first." he said and I nodded. There was a harp in the room, a blank canvas, and a paintbrush. "What are we suppose to do?" I asked and the strings of the harp started detaching and it was attacking us, while the blank canvas was painting? "Tae! What do we do?" I said while moving my arms so the strings can't get me. "I don't kno- AHHH!" he said as the string went to hold his lower body. "Tae!" I shouted, "Tell me what to do!" I said and the string almost caught me but gladly my reflexes were fast. "There must be something in the canvas. Paint something!" he said and I was near the canvas so I quickly grabbed the paintbrush but I only draw a line since the strings were attacking me. A weird item was handed to me and it was the same thing I painted. "WOW!" Tae said and this time the spring held him stronger, "JISOO HELP! AHHHHHH!" he shouted so I went to tear the strings that were holding him, the strings went back to the harp. It's weird how it's still intact. "Should we really go? I mean you almost died!" he said, "We already started, let's not give up yet." I said and he nodded. "Wait, this room is kind of like Apollo?" I said but my tone was unsure, "Oh yeah, do you think?" he asked, "Yup! I think so!" I said and he hummed in response.

We went inside the passage and it was a farm-like area. "Do you think this is Demeter's place?" he asked, "Definitely!" I said, "So? What do we do?" I asked while scanning the room which made him scan it too. "Take care of these?" he asked, "I don't know." I said and he nodded. We went to different corners of the room to check but there were only plants and the materials for taking care of it. "I guess we would take care of the plant." I said and we started watering it. While watering the plant started growing. "Tae! It's growing!" I shouted, "Yeah, I know!" I said, one of the roots swirled around my neck, it wants to kill me. "JISOO!!" Tae shouted while I was grunting, "OPPOSITE OF WATER!" I said as the last word got lower and lower. I was almost out of breath, thankfully they haven't covered my nose. Oh! Scratch that, the roots were covered in my body. I heard Tae shouting my name. "Incendio! (1)" I heard him say and the plant stopped gripping me. I was panting and Tae was holding my back. "Are you okay?" he asked, "Yeah, my breathing is now normal." I said and he nodded.

"Do you really wanna go on?" he asked, "Yes, for everyone to be safe." I said and smiled.

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(1) incendio - a fire making charm


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