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Jisoo's POV

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Jisoo's POV

School was fun! I have been hanging out with Lili and Nini, and I made a new friend! Her name was Roseanne but I call her Rosie, she was a cheerful and friendly person. It's currently 6:37 am and school starts at 8:00. After I was done with my morning routine, me and the girls walked together and while we were walking Nini said "I'll introduce you guys to my brother or should I say my twin." "You have a twin?" me, Lili, and Rosie asked. "Yes, you will meet him later at lunch." she said and all of us nodded.

Time skip

I was walking with Rosie and we were heading to the cafeteria, me and Rosie saw a man. I guess that's Jennie's twin. Woah they do look a like, duh they're twins. "Hi, this is my brother. His name is Vante." he smiled and bowed, me and Rosie bowed too. "Where's Lili?" Rosie asked. "She's probably chasing the cats." I said which made all of us laugh well except for Vante he seemed confused. "Oh, well Lili loves cats and most especially she loves chasing them!" Nini said and all of us laughed. "Yah! How dare you laugh while I'm not around!" I turned around to see who owns the voice and it was Lili. "W-what? You're the weird stalker man?" Lili said pointing at Vante. "Yah! What are you talking about, Li? And my brother isn't a stalker!" Nini said defending her brother. "Sorry for stalking you, I just wanted to make sure my sister is safe." he said, "Oh, it's alright!" Lili said with a smile. And we all started eating but Vante left and went to his friend's table.

Vante's POV

I went to the locker room and I saw Jisoo. I placed all my books to my locker and she was walking away so I grabbed her wrist. "Jisoo" I said and she turned around. "Oh hello u-uh Vante." she said, "Hello, I just wanna let you know to be careful. That's all, bye!" I left since it was too awkward for me. Why did I even say that? I think I'm sick. But she's mysterious so it's not my problem it's hers.

It's the next day and I'm in a good mood today. Weird, but I'm grateful.

"Yo, what's up?" Jimin said, "I'm in a good mood today." I said and smiled. "Oh, well I met a cutie yesterday and yeah that's basically it and she left before I was gonna ask her name." he pouted, "Better luck next time!" I said and we both laughed.  Jimin went to the other side of the building and since it was a bit early for me, I went to Namjoon to ask him about something. "Hi Joon!" I said and he smiled at me, "Hi, so how are you?" he said, "I'm good. I just wanna ask something." I said to him. "Go on. I'm listening." he said, "Okay, so uhm, you told me I can know what everyone is right? By their smell?" I asked him, and he replied "Yes, each type has different smell, like if their a vampire, witch/wizard, or almost anything." "What if I told you I can't identify someone? Their smell is new to me." I asked him leaving him confused. "That's impossible, maybe it means that their sick?" he said, "Okay, Thanks!" I said and he smiled. "Why did you ask?" "Well I'm just curious" I said and left the room.

I don't think she's sick, maybe I'm the one sick. I think a witch/wizard cursed me.

Jisoo's POV

School is finally done! I can't believe it's Saturday tomorrow! Aunt CL is right, Time flies so fast. I'm actually at Aunt CL's house, she told me to wait because she has to go to one of her clients house. I'm the only one inside and I got bored so I went to look around. There were lots of mirrors and antiques. While I was roaming around, one door was left open and because I was curious, I went inside the room. The room was empty but I knew something was there. I went closer to the window and while I did, the tile made a sound. The tile was lose and I feel like something's under there. I went to remove the tile it was pretty easy, I saw a box it was an antique. Never knew my aunt likes antiques. It was a necklace, it looks pretty and it had a shape of a butterfly. I wore it and went to the hallway which had lots of mirrors. When I arrived a bright light was seen in the middle of the mirror and all I can see was white.

I woke up and saw that a maid was beside me. "Are you okay, ma'am?" she asked me, "I'm alright, thanks." I said and smiled at her. "Miss CL told me that she will be back home late, and she said you can go home and you'll just meet another time." she said. I left and went to the car and I looked at the side mirror of the car, the necklace was still there. I touched it and it slowly fade away, I'm confused. Why did I faint? There's something inside of me that wants to find out.


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