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Note: I added footnotes for the spells/charms!

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Note: I added footnotes for the spells/charms!

Jisoo's POV 
I'm now done dressing up. Our plan is to pretend that we're Death Eaters but we won't kill anyone so we're called The Savers?

Note: I tried to rhyme "The Savers" with "Death Eaters"

Back to Jisoo's POV

We are currently flying with our broomsticks. This was part of the training with Namjoon. We are currently heading to Godric's Hollow since that was where Death Eaters mostly go and if they aren't there we will be searching in other places.

- ,, 📍[Godric's Hollow]⌇·˚ ༘
"They're here." Jimin said and we all nodded our heads. This is my first time seeing Death Eaters and we do look like them. Namjoon separated us by pairs, and my pair is Nini. And we all searched for something, we aren't sure what we're searching for but I remember a quote saying "You won't know what you're finding for until you find it". It was written in my dad's journal. "What's that?" Nini asked which made me look at what she was pointing. 

"Should we open it?" I asked, "I don't know

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"Should we open it?" I asked, "I don't know. You're older than me, you decide." she said which made me facepalm. "Alohomora! (1)" I said but nothing happened. "Aww, it's bewitched." Nini said with a pout, "Should we leave it here or bring it?" I asked, "Let's bring it." Nini said and she got the chest. The chest wasn't that big and it was light too so it was easy to carry. While we were flying with our brooms we saw Tae and Jimin being attacked by the Death Eaters so we went to help them. "We have to hide!" Tae said, "Stupefy! (2)" I said and we immediately left the area. "Why didn't you inform us?" Nini asked, "They hacked our devices." Tae said, "Oh" was all that came out of my mouth, "Let's find the others, and let's not separate." I said which made the others nod. 

- ,, ⏲ [Time skip]⌇·˚ ༘
"Look it's Lili and Rosè!" Nini said and we all went to them, "Hey!" Jimin said which made Lili and Rosè look back, "Hello" they both said happily, "They know we're here" I said, "What?" They said in unison, "We have to find the others and inform them." Tae said, "Inform who?" an unfamiliar voice was heard which made all of us look back and it was a Death Eater! "Confrin-" the boy said but I reacted quickly "Protego! (3)" I said which made the Death Eater knocked off its feet, "We have to find them. Fast." I said, "Woah! Some can't even perf-" Jimin said but Lili cut him off, "There's no time for chit-chat." which made Jimin scowl but Lili ignored it.

- ,, ⏲ [Time skip]⌇·˚ ༘
"It's Sugar and Jin!" Nini said, "Sugar? You call by nicknames now?" I asked which made Nini blush, "Wow, I felt betrayed. I'm your brother, missy." Tae said in a teasing way which made Nini hit his chest. "Hi, why are you together? I thought it was by pairs?" Jin said, "Well, the Death Eaters are after us." Lili said, "What?!" Jin exclaimed, "We'll explain later. Let's find Namjoon, Jungkook, and J-ho-" I said but a familiar voice cut me off which made me look back. "Jungkook is kidnapped!" J-hope said, "What?!" we all said, "Let's go, Namjoon is finding him." J-hope said and we all rode our broomsticks. "Look it's Namjoon!" Rosè said and we all looked at where she was pointing and we got down. "Hey! Are you oka- What happened?" Lisa said and we all looked at him in horror, "They attacked me. We have to find Jungkook." Namjoon said, "Vulnera Sanentur! (4)" I said while tracing my wand through Namjoon's wounds. "You're excellent at spells, Jisoo." Namjoon said which made me smile, "That's what I told her but Li-" Jimin said but once again was cut off by Lili, "Let's find Jungkook." which made us laugh at Jimin, while he was sending death glares.

- ,, ⏲ [Time skip]⌇·˚ ༘
We were searching through the village, and it was a bit weird why a village has no people? Did someone inform them about the Death Eaters? Well, probably. "Look, it's a Death Eater. The one Jisoo attacked." Nini said which made all of us look at where she was pointing, "Let's follow them, maybe they're with Jungkook." Suga suggested which made all of us agree. We followed them but all we can hear was silence. They were getting inside a room and we saw Jungkook. "How do we rescue him?" Tae asked while whispering, "Let's enter in the window of the room." Namjoon whispered back while pointing at the window. We all went to the back of the house, I saw a mirror near the door and I decided to use it as a distraction. "I'll break the mirror in front of the door while you guys break the window near the room." I whispered to them and they nodded. "Finestra! (5)" I said and I went to the back of the house to go to Jungkook. We all removed the rope which was tied to him and a blindfold. "Thanks" Jungkook said and smiled, "Let's go." Jin whispered and we went back to the window. Then, we heard footsteps and the door opening. "Catch them!" I heard one of the Death Eaters say and Tae immediately teleported us to Silver Coven and teleported us back to his house. "Why here? You were at the Silver Coven?" Namjoon asked, "Silver Coven has been compromised." Tae said which made us shocked. "What?" Jin exclaimed, "I saw a Death Eater. Voldemort must have been there." Tae said, "Wait, where's the chest Nini?" I asked.

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(1) Alohomora - opens unlocked objects except for bewitched ones

(2) Stupefy - stuns a target, and renders them unconscious

(3) Protego - protects the caster with an invisible shield, can block and reflect spells

(4) Vulnera Sanentur - heals serious wounds

(5) Finestra - shatters glass

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