Endgame pt 1

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(Sorry if it took a while, every time I write on this story I've been getting a little tired, since most of my ideas to write are at night. So I tend to take too long, and I feel like the chapters I put out aren't worth taking that long for. I'll try to get the next part out before the end of the week, but yeah... oh, and there's gonna be some empty name slots in the chapter. So if there's any names you want to be officially for this characters, just let me know, and I'll change it in the future to ones I like. Enjoy the short chapter)

… Two years later… four years since Infinity war…

In a warehouse, multiple gunshots are heard, before a wall explodes revealing a knocked out Hydra soldier. Outside, it looked like some sort of battle was taking place. Three soldiers were shooting something by the trees, when suddenly a red white and blue shield with a star on top, hit them all on the head, knocking them unconscious. A shadow walks over to the shield, before picking it up, revealing Steve Rogers in his Captain America suit. 

He clicks his earpiece.

Steve: I finished up my section. How about you guys?

Rhodes:*radio* Rounded up the rest of these guys. And don't worry, we took off their helmets and got rid of their suicide pills in their mouths.

Steve: *sighs* That's good to hear. Maybe we could finally get some answers out of them.

Suddenly a voice pops up in Steve's ear.

Athena: Sniper at 12 o'clock!

Captain America quickly turns around and raises his shield as a bolt of plasma hits the shield, and bounces off into a tree. Suddenly, about thirty feet away, an unconscious Hydra soldier is seen hanging from his feet by webs. A familiar figure then drops from the tree. Cindy moon, in her spidey suit, codename: Silk. Her partner Kamala, also known as Ms. Marvel, walks up to her.

Kamala: Do you think they know where it is?

Cindy: They probably do. But they're always too loyal to ever tell us. 

Kamala: *scratches cheek* Let's hope we get something, for Y/n's sake.

Cindy: *begins to walk back to the rest of the team* I still don't understand why he wasn't allowed to join us for this? It's as much of his fight, then it is ours. Hell, he was the one who found out her body was taken in the first place during his monthly check in.

Kamala: Well, Steve feels like it's his responsibility to find them, since he swore he ended Hydra already, only to find them still operating.

The two then walk into a small clearing where the rest of the team except Laura is seen there. Rhodes, Steve, Natasha, Jennifer and a talking raccoon with a large gun behind his back, appropriately named, Rocket Raccoon.

Rocket: So what's this thing we're looking for again? I just remember the"attack anyone in a Hydra uniform" part.

Natasha: They stole Spider-woman's body from her grave. They're probably cloning her for someone, Steve thinks they'll revive her to turn her into a Winter Soldier. But it's only speculation for now until we get some answers from these guys.

Jennifer: Well we made sure none of them kill themselves… but that doesn't guarantee that they'll talk.

Athena: *comms* I can assure you, I am excellent at finding any bit of information, if you jus-

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