New Girls

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Next monday, Y/n is seen walking to his locker. He opens his locker and takes out a few notebooks and some pens. He closes the door and notices Petra close by taking out her supplies. Y/n walks up to her, Pstra turns her head to see Y/n walking over to her and smiles.

Petra: Hey Y/n!

She closes her locker as the two begin to walk to class.

Y/n: I can't stop saying how glad I am Ms. Hardy switched you to my first period class.

Petra: Same, I guess she found a way to pull some strings. Especially since she found a way for you to have some of us in every period.

Y/n: Yeah, I guess she's afraid that I'll still get attacked.

Petra: Well she did say you were her favorite student.

Y/n: Heh, I guess you're right.

Petra: Of course I am.

Y/n: Hey I got some news.

Petra: What?

Y/n: I joined a martial arts class. So I won't be able to train with you that much.

Petra: Oh, well that's fine, I could handle myself out there. So when could you go on patrol with me then?

Y/n: everyday except Tuesday and Thursdays. I'll have classes from 4-7 pm.

Petra: Okay well that's not too bad, but why are you taking them anyway, you seemed to already know how to fight?

Y/n chuckles a bit in embarrassment. He explains what happened at the meeting with Gwen excluding the whole, them dating now, part. Speaking of which, after that whole event, the next day was actually their date. As Gwen wanted it as soon as possible. 

Petra: *giggles* You really screwed yourself over huh?

Y/n: Yeah, but I'm a fast learner so I should be fine.

The two walk into class, and start to take their seats as they wait for the rest of the class to arrive.

Petra: Hey, maybe I should come see you practice with Gwen huh? Then after that the three of us could go to the theaters!

Y/n: Well I'll have to ask Gwen If you could join.

Petra raises an eyebrow and stares at him confused.

Petra: Why do you need her permission? I'm your best friend, and basically her's too.

Y/n scratches his cheek as he couldn't think of an answer. Luckily he didn't have too, as Ms. Hardy placed her stuff on her desk before calling the class.

Ms. Hardy: Alright everyone listen up! Today we have two new students. *turns to the door* Come on in and introduce yourself girls.

Two girls walk in, the first one long brown hair tied up into a short ponytail, wearing a plain grey hoodie. Y/n didn't see anything wrong about her, the most he could think of is she looks tired. Petra, however, had a bad feeling about her as her spider-sense is going haywire. She certainly never met this girl in her life, but something about her… is familiar.

Then the second girl immediately sent off alarms in both Y/n and Petra. Her long red hair, green eyes, and freckled face. 

Y/n: *whispers* Fuck…

Brown hair: My name is Ellie Brock, and I just moved in two days ago. I used to live in Brooklyn, but moved down here to queens.

Red: And I'm Casey Kasady. I used to live here before having to move, for personal reasons, to Westchester County. But I'm glad to be back.

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