Athena Arc pt 3

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Three hours after the invasion... The streets were empty, well... except for the army of robots roaming the city. A father and his eight year old daughter are seen sneaking behind a bunch of cars as a tall lanky Droid scans the area.

The father peaks his head up to the window to see the Droid looking the opposite direction. He crouches down again before turning to his daughter and places a finger on his lips. She nods as they go to crawl again, only for the girl to place her hand on a shard of glass. She lets out a quiet yelp... but it wasn't quiet enough. The Droid upper body suddenly does a 180, as it then jumps onto the car and lets out a low rumble as it's arms begin to twist and open up revealing two turrets.

The man runs to his daughter and hugs her as the Droid leans closer. Then, the first bullet exited the chamber... and they were gone. The Droid looked around to see the two humans had suddenly vanished.

???: Well wasn't that a close one?

The Droid looks to its right to see the Glitch-Spider holding the two civilians. Y/n then glitches above the robot, and kicks it off the vehicle, before it is surrounded by red energy. It was then crushed like a tin can by Wanda who flew over to Y/n.

Wanda: That was too close.

Wanda walks over to the family.

Wanda: Head indoors, more will be roaming the streets after this.

The man nods as he takes his daughter to a nearby building. Suddenly an alarm goes off from the busted robot, as ten robots are seen walking around the street corner. Y/n places two fingers on his ear.

Y/n: *into comms* Wade, Cat, now would be a good time to activate the trap!

Felicia: *through comms* We're on it!

As the first half dashes towards the two, suddenly a dozen web bombs land in front of them, tying the five onto the ground. Wade and Felicia come out of the alley. Wade began to drop grenades onto the bots, before going to the others.

Deadpool: *as the five explode* KABOOM!!! That was awesome right guys!!

Y/n: Yes but we'll admire it later!

Y/n runs past the merc as he jumps up and punches one of the bots with full strength, smashing its head on impact.

Y/n: Great thing about robots, none of us have to hold back.

Y/n dodges an incoming robot, and shoots an electric impact web directly on its face. Wanda flies over him, and levitates two other bots, and begins to smash them into each other, before tossing them into the sky. While Black Cat takes out some special claws made by Y/n and jumps onto one, which swiftly cuts through the metal like butter. Y/n then webs the last two bots in the face, and pulls it towards him, before kicking them in the head, finishing the two.

Wanda: Do you think that caught their attention?

Y/n: Maybe, but don't except all of them, they're guarding the tower after all. Athena is crazy, but not stupid. If anything... she may send the hard hitters to deal with us quickly.

Suddenly, a shadow began to cast over them. Y/n's eyes widen.

Y/n: Scatter!!

The four spread out as suddenly a large green hunk of metal smashes into the ground. The large hulking robot stands up towering over the four.

 The large hulking robot stands up towering over the four

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