Spider-verse Final

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Y/n is seen glitching roof to roof before landing on Fisk Tower. He looks around to see everyone else still hasn't arrived. 

Y/n: … Well, I guess I'll just check this place out.

Y/n looks through the glass ceiling to see it's some sort of party? It was some sort of memorial for this universe's Spider-man. All the waiters were wearing spider-man masks, while all the guests were wearing formal attires.

Y/n: Oh, now that's just bad taste.

Y/n looked around as he began to think of an idea. 

Y/n: *thoughts* Well the vents seem to be filled with toxic chemicals when I checked eariler, so the only way in is through this party. And maybe I could get some info about these glitches that have been happening around the city apparently… but I can't be seen wearing this. 

Y/n glitches through the roof and begins to stealthy crawl across the ceiling. Y/n then sees a familiar looking man heading towards the bathroom.

Y/n: *thoughts* Is that… Flash?

Y/n's former bully entered the bathroom, and Y/n then suddenly got an idea.


Flash whistles as he leaves the bathroom stall and begins to wash his hands. He hears the door open, so he automatically looks to see who entered, only to see no one there. He looks at the mirror in front of him only to see Y/n in his spider-suit.

Flash: Spider-ma-


Y/n is now seen walking out of the bathroom wearing Flash's suit over his spider-suit, and his mask in his pocket.

Y/n: Now, let's have a look around.

As Y/n walks through the crowd, he approaches a small group of people chatting, as he overheard their conversation.

???: Yeah, my wife and I are thinking about moving soon, after everything that's happened in this city, we don't think this place is safe to raise our kid in.

???2: Yeah, with Spider-man gone, who's gonna protect us from those monsters?

???3: I don't know, I might leave soon too, I mean the past week, the city looked like it was glitching twice already.

Y/n: Sorry, I've been out of the city, and I just came back yesterday, what's this about the city glitching?

???: Oh, yeah a week ago, the buildings began to look like they were glitching or something. Then 3 days ago, the same thing happened.

Y/n: *thoughts* So they fired it twice already?

???3: Yeah, my brother keeps saying crap like "everything is a simulation!!"

???: Yeah well Wade's crazy. So what do you expect from him?

Y/n began to think as he walked away from the group.

Y/n: *thoughts* Three times huh, guess that's gonna be Fisk's unlucky number. Alright, so I know the collider is under this building, so maybe I should wait for the others to get here… or I could glitch down there and probably get my ass beat by at least 4 villains. *sighs, and then speaks out loud* God what's taking them so lon-

He suddenly bumps into someone.

Y/n: Oh, sorry I wasn't paying attention-

MJ: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: *thoughts* ...Son of a bitch.

This dimension's MJ is seen staring at Y/n wide eyed.

MJ: *slowly backs up* W-What are you doing here?

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now