Final Announcements

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I'm going to be honest with you guys. And, you're gonna wanna read this.

I think the story has reached its peak, a long long time ago. Two years ago, was when I started this... and, I'm broken apart, because I may have to end this, today. I had so much planned for this story, but, it fell short, in my eyes, and plenty of peoples'.

I can't recover this story, from this point. There's no way... which is why, this story will be discontinued.

This is the end of, my longest ever story. But, it doesn't have to be the end, of The Glitch-Spider. This one ends, but, if you guys still want a Glitch-Spider story, I'd be happy to start all the way from the beginning once more.

With two years of writing this, I've always thought of doing certain things differently. So, this could finally be the chance for that. But this the end of this version of the story.

Thank you all. Who's read this story, you guys, are the reason I enjoy writing.

If guys have anything to say, about this story. Or even the possible Reboot. Go for it.

It was a pleasure writing for you.


Signing off

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