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Y/n and Felicia are seen trying up a group of robbers that attempted to rob a jewelry store. As Y/n finishes up trying the last robber, from of the corner of his eyes he sees Felicia. She was seen not paying attention to what was going on as she held a necklace with a large ruby on it. Her hands were shaking as if she was batting the urge to steal the necklace. Her hands then stabilized before she placed the necklace back down.

Felicia: *thoughts* I don't need it… I have a better treasure to chase.

She turns her head to see Y/n look at her proudly. Her ears began to heat up from embarrassment.

Felicia: *blushing* W-what?

Y/n: Nothing… now come on cat, let's go before the police tries to arrest you.

Felicia: What I thought you said they trust you?

Y/n: Yeah me, but they see you? They'll definitely try to arrest you. 

Felicia: Oh right.

Y/n and Felicia run out the back door. Y/n wraps his left arm around Felicia and twips out of the alley as the police arrive.  

After a few minutes the two land onto the roof of Felicia's building.

Felicia: That was certainly fun Y/n~

She kisses his mask.

Felicia: Let's do this again sometime~.

Y/n: *blushing* Can you not do that!

Felicia giggles before she jumped onto her porch and walked into her penthouse. Y/n groans before jumping off the roof and swinging away. He began to get and upcoming call, he presses his "phone" button by his ear. Which was part of the hardware for his mask, so he could answer calls, or respond to messages without his phone. 

Petra: Hey babe! So are you ready for patrol?

Y/n: Oh well, can we train for a bit? I found someone else with spider powers.

Petra: What another one?! Would I know them?

Y/n: Uh *a Crow almost crashes into him* Fuck! What the hell is a crow doing here?! U-Uh yes you would know her!

Petra: Her?

Y/n: It's Gwen, appreciate a spider bit her a while ago. But there was some sort of delay in her power development. So she technically just got them a few days ago.

Petra: Oh! That's what she wanted to talk to you about after we fought Casey!

Y/n: Yea- Oh shit! *this time a swarm of potions tried to crash into him. Luckily he glitches through* Why do the birds hate me? I never even fought vulture!

Petra is heard giggling on the other line. Alright. 

Petra: I'll let her borrow a spare costume of mine for now. Tell her to meet us at Avengers tower.

Y/n: Wait, how am I supposed to get her there without drawing attention to her?

Petra: … You know what, I'll take her there. I officially have Mr. Stark's internship, so I could get her in without drawing attention.

Y/n: And you never thought of getting me one?


Y/n: Petra?

She hung up.


Y/n is seen glitching through the windows of Avengers tower, and into the living room. As he glitched through. He scanned the room to see no one was there. Until he heard an elevator sing. He looked to see Petra and Gwen in their casual clothes with backpacks around their shoulders. Y/n grins as he thinks of an idea and goes invisible and twips to the ceiling.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now