Robotics project

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The next day…

Y/n is seen in his room, putting his suits and gadgets into a large container. Unfortunately due to not having much space for it, he had to scrap his old suit for now and put it into a separate container. He stands on his chair and puts the containers into a spot in the ceiling, as a type of attic. He then goes back to his closet and takes out another container filled with many scrap parts and metal, and places them on his bed. While he takes out a folder filled with many drone and robot designs. 

Y/n: Alright… Well, I have most of the programs done for all of these designs. So all is left is to build one of them.

M/n: Y/n! Your friend is here!

Y/n: … God she's here. Okay, no webbing, spider gadgets, any hint of suits, and all spidey designs are up in the attic with the suits. Nothing for her to suspect me of being Spider-man… I need to work on a different name.

Y/n leaves his room, to see Ellie Brock, aka Venom, sitting on his couch waiting for him. She's wearing blue jeans, a black and white t-shirt with a grey hoodie over it. She plays with her long brown hair, which was let down and recently combed. 

Ellie: Hey Y/n, took you long enough.

Y/n: Sorry Ellie, had to get our supplies ready.

Ellie: It's cool. Come on, we only have a few days.

Y/n: Hey, if we're lucky, we'll finish by the end of the day. 

The two walk into his room, Y/n opens the container of scrap and pulls some chairs and sets in between the bed and desk.

Ellie: Wow, how did you get all of this?

Y/n *confidentiality* I don't mean to brag but, I'm a bit of an engineer myself.

Ellie gives him a blank look.

Y/n: What! I'm serious! 

Ellie: *giggles* Alright, I'll take your word for it.

Y/n groans and opens up his notebook to his partner. She flips through the pages, before stopping a certain design.

Ellie: I like this one.

Y/n checks which page it is, and his eyes widen.

Y/n checks which page it is, and his eyes widen

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Y/n: *thoughts* Shhhhiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!! 

Ellie: So you're a fan of Spider-woman, and The Glitch spider?

Y/n shakes his head, and calms down.

Y/n: Uh yeah! I just found out about them a while ago. So I wanted to make this drown based on them.

Ellie: Well i guess we can make these then.

Y/n: You sure? *thoughts* Why does she want to make this? I thought she, or well Venom, hated Spider-woman and I.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now