Infinity War (final)

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The remaining Guardians and Avengers are dealing with the gravitic aftermath of dumping a large chunk of moon onto an unstable planet's surface. The unconscious Guardians are flying upwards uncontrollably, moon-chunks are still making fiery ballistic in-bounds, and random debris and massive rocks are floating in any possible direction. Y/n and Petra were well-equipped to handle this physically, even if they're freaking out emotionally.

Petra Snags Drax, securing him to something not moving.

Petra: I'm sorry I can't remember anybody's names! *she Reels in Star-Lord*

Y/n then swings towards Mantis, and catches her.

Y/n: Gotcha!

He then places her next to Drax.

Y/n: Petra take care of them! I'm going to help Mr. Stark!

Before Petra could protest, Y/n had already glitched away.

The Cloak of Levitation sets Doctor Strange down on a relatively stable outcrop as Thanos extricates himself from rubble. The Sorcerer Supreme makes a few passes with his hands, producing the familiar golden magic filigree circles, and slams his hands down on the rock before him, invoking the Seven Suns of Cinnibus as a lightning-like effect of immense heat jumping from rock to rock until it reaches Thanos, sending him flying, but he makes use of the erratic gravity to keep control and fire back a blast from the Power Stone.

Before Thanos can counterattack again, Doctor Strange levitates and invokes the Images of Ikonn, giving him arms like a Hindu deity before dozens of Strange replications rush away, forming a circular wall around a snarling Thanos. They then call cast magical cords, wrapping around Thanos' torso, arms and hands. He struggles to close his gauntleted fist, and uses the Soul and Power Stones to discover the real Doctor Strange among the many copies, blowing the duplicates away and sending the singular Doctor Strange reeling. Reality and Space pull Doctor Strange forward, Thanos grasping him by the throat once in range. Doctor Strange grabs futilely at Thanos' hand.

Thanos: You're full of tricks, wizard.

Strange: *as Thanos reaches for the Eye of Agamotto* No!

Thanos: *He snaps the Eye off its chain* Yet you never once used your greatest weapon. *He crushes it in his bare hand* A fake. 

He throws Doctor Strange hard enough that Doctor Strange's head hits stone and he passes out.

Almost simultaneously, a red and gold device and a piece of webbing slaps into the palm of the Infinity Gauntlet, bracing the fingers open, and a red and gold Avenger as well as Glitch land in front of the Mad Titan.

Tony: You throw another moon at me, and I'm gonna to lose it.

Thanos: Stark, and L/n

Y/n: How the fuc-

Tony: You know us?

Thanos: I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.

Tony: My only curse is you. 

Small rockets pop out of Iron Man's back and launch at Thanos,while Y/n begins to shoot multiple Electric impact webs.

Thanos: Come on!

The rockets all explode on target, momentarily shrouding Thanos in smoke as he tries to pry off the webs. Before it clears, Iron Man pile drives into Thanos horizontally, using his single super-jet boot configuration. As he bounces off, he flips and sticks his landing, immediately re-configuring his boots into ground clamps for stability and his gloves into rocket-driven battering rams, punching Thanos into a ruined wall behind him.

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