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The next day.

Y/n and his friends were sitting in the cafeteria, as everyone in the school was talking about the new superhero, the media calls him spider-man, while people who've seen his powers call him the glitch. However, that wasn't the biggest deal for our little group. They were more worried for MJl. So once everyone had sat down, Y/n wanted to check on her.

Y/n: MJ? Are you doing okay?

Gwen: You haven't even touched your food yet.

MJ: Of course… I'm fine, it just a lot happened yesterday.

MJ explains what happened yesterday, everyone was horrified from the news, well except Y/n and Petra who already knew. However, they still pretended to be shocked.

MJ: But then… this man saved me. 

Gwen: Really? Who?

MJ: He called himself spider-man.

Petra: *thoughts* Spider-man? That's original. I need to find this copy cat before they get themselves killed.

Petra: What was he like? Did he have powers like Spider-woman?

MJ: He was amazing. He was almost exactly like spider-woman. He seemed to glitch at one point. But he's a good guy I could tell! He protected me… I wish I could see him again so I could properly thank him.

Harry: *chewing on his sandwich* sounds like you love the guy. 

MJ: *blushes* Ugh, shut up Harry!

Everyone chuckles a bit while Y/n just blushes.

Gwen: *giggles* Well, aside from her possible crush on the new spider-man, what did you mean by Glitch?

Petra: Yeah? Did he like turn into squares or something?

MJ: It's hard to describe, it was like.. he teleported?

Harry: SO basically he's like Spider-woman, but glitches out like a broken tv or something?

MJ: basically.

Y/n: *thoughts* don't forget, I could apparently shock people as well.

Petra: Y/n is something wrong?

Y/n looks up to see Petra looking worriedly at him. He realizes that he's been quiet this entire time. He looks up at her and nervously chuckles as he scratches the back of his head.

Y/n: Y-Yeah. Sorry, I was just wondering how another one showed up. To be honest I kinda wish I had powers like them.

Harry: Yeah that would be awesome!

Petra gives Y/n a sympathetic look.

Petra: *thoughts* If only you knew how much these powers are a burden Y/n…

The group kept chatting till lunch was over. Before Y/n leaves, he feels someone tap his shoulder. He turns around to see Gwen standing behind him.

Gwen: Hey Y/n can we talk a minute?

Y/n: Oh, uh sure. What do you need?

Gwen: Well… I wanted to know if you're available this weekend?

Y/n: Y-Yeah I am. Why?

Gwen: *blushing* Well… I want to thank you… for helping me start my band. So I was thinking we could go out and eat? 

Y/n: sure when?

Gwen: I'll text you when, we don't wanna be late for class huh?

The two walk out as Petra walks out from the doorway as she hears everything. She couldn't help but feel defeated. She took a deep breath to calm herself,before walking to class.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now