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… Day 21, it has been 21 days since the snap, as Tony, Nebula and Y/n are all seen inside of the Guardians' ship, that's currently drifting through space. Y/n was seen wearing his old dark suit, as his nano suit was practically shattered from the power stone. He watches as Nebula is currently playing paper football with Tony. Tony notices Y/n's gaze and calls him.

Tony:Hey kid, you wanna play?

Y/n:*shakes his head* No thanks, it's just nice to see you guys entertaining yourselves. Plus, I wouldn't even be able to get up, that power stone… still stings.

Tony nods his head, understanding what Y/n's going through. Tony gods to say something to Y/n, only to see he passed out again.

Recently there hasn't been enough food, so for Tony and Nebula, Y/n's been in a hunger strike. Refusing to eat or drink, so he glitches for an hour a day, in order to give him some sort of stablebilty. So now, he'll always pass out, at least he's getting some sort of rest…

Suddenly a bright light began to shine at the ship.


Y/n regains consciousness as he sees he was in a familiar room. His eyes widen, and he then realizes where he was, his room. He gets out of bed, as he noticed his chest was wrapped in bandages. He limps over to the door, before opening it, and hearing chatter from the kitchen. He limped over to the kitchen hearing who seems to be Natasha and his mother talking.

M/n: You guys should have never taken him to fight crime, now look at him! He's probably traumatized from the whole experience! I should have never let you guys train him!

Natasha: M/n please! I know we screwed up, but if we didn't do anything. If he never learned, then Petra still would've gone up there with Tony! She still would've gone snapped! Is that any better? To just find out randomly his girlfriend died!? And to not know the killer?!

M/n: He'll wake up feeling vengeance! He knows how to use his powers, he could become a vigilante like Ronin!

Natasha: ...He won't… because we already killed him. Thanos is gone.

M/n: *scoffs* I'm going to check on my baby. Once he wakes up we're moving, and you're never allowed to see him again Nash.

However, before M/n could leave the room, Y/n walks in shocking the two.

M/n/Natasha: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Mom… you knew?

M/n: Y-You heard?

Y/n: How long mom?

M/n looks down before speaking.

M/n: When S.H.I.E.L.D enlisted you for training… 

Y/n: ...Why didn't you say anything?

M/n: I wanted you to live your dream Y/n. So to at least give you some closure, I allowed your uncle to send you parts and equipment. So when I started seeing you swinging through Manhattan with Spider-woman, I believed you were in the right hands. So I trusted S.H.I.E.L.D to take care of you. *looks at Natasha* But not anymore.

Natasha looks down sadly as she rubs her arm. Y/n looks at his mentor before looking back at his mother.

Y/n: … Mom, I chose to be a hero, I knew not everything would be rainbows and sunshine. So don't blame Nash, please. 

M/n looks at Natasha full of suspicion.

Y/n: Mom. I accepted her offer, I chose to fight Carnage, I chose to get on that spaceship… and I choose to stay here and be Spider-Glitch.

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