Athena Arc pt 1

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Y/n: An A.I. Wait, you mean Athena?

Beck: So that's her name… she was like very purple. I swore I thought she was Ultron A.I. from years ago. The A.I. it came into my workshop and hacked all of my equipment. I was gonna ship some more equipment for you but… I already noticed she had infected my items so I cut contact with anyone. I was forced to make some illegal weapons and turned myself in. I couldn't have her get close to you.

Y/n: Why were you so scared of her?.

Beck: Because Y/n… she made me make those weapons. She used this weird ass Robot body, and practically held me at gunpoint. 

Y/n: How did you escape?

Beck: As I said kid, I turned myself in. I took one of the turrets I was supposed to attach to a Droid, and ran to the police station. And, well, aimed it at them, luckily I only got shot once in the shoulder. Other than that, after I was interrogated, I told them everything. There should be a raid at the warehouse today actually.

Y/n: … So, where is it now?

Beck: Well, most likely it'll flee to another base. But Y/n, you don't understand, you remember that Ultron thing? She's just like it. She probably has an army of robots. She studied almost every hero in the world. And is ready to fight them all. 

Y/n: But why? She shouldn't have ever left her original programming!

Beck: That's the thing Y/n, she didn't. Think kid, what did you program her to do?

Y/n: Well, I made her so she could be my helper A.I. like a smarter version of Petra's training A.I.

Beck: So it was meant to protect, and assist you? While also being extremely intelligent. 

Y/n: Um, yeah basically.

Beck: She was your A.I. and what did you do?

Y/n thinks for a moment… before grabbing and lowering his head.

Y/n: I… I left it. Gave it to the Avengers, and decided to go Solo again. And she's so intelligent… that she has her own thoughts. *whispers* God damn it. She's obsessed that her creator left, and is now hunting us all down.

Beck: Close. More like she's obsessed with you and is willing to take over the world to keep you "safe".

Y/n: … Look Vision is an exception but I'm beginning to hate A.I.s

Beck: I don't know who that is, but I completely agree. This is why I always say! Never give A.I.s a personality!

Suddenly a small alarm goes off signaling the end of the visit. 

???: Alright let's go Beck.

Beck: Stay safe kid! Please don't get yourself hurt!

Y/n: I'll try! I'll talk to you soon!

Y/n sees his uncle being taken out of the room, as Y/n too is instructed to leave. As Y/n exits the building… he falls down a familiar ring portal.


At The Strange mansion.

Y/n: Fuuuuuuck!

Y/n slams into the ground and groans.

Y/n: Shitty ass portals… Wait, Strange?

Strange: I would say it would be a pleasure to see you again, but under certain circumstances, that would be lying.

Y/n: Strange, what the fuck is happening, why am I here?

Strange: S.H.I.E.L.D was attacked last night. The Avengers, and almost every hero has been abducted by the A.I you created known as Athena. She's sending a horde of drones to New York, right now.

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