Endgame pt 4

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(Ahhhhhhh... here you guys go, enjoy)

Y/n is seen in the main room with Laura sitting besides him. Jennifer, Cindy, and Kamala all walk into the room as they had just come back from their mission. Y/n stands up to greet them, however...

Cindy: Y/n! 

Cindy runs up to Y/n and kisses his cheek earning a small chuckle from him. Y/n kisses her forehead, before turning to the others. 

Y/n: Hey guys.

Jennifer smiles and pulls Y/n away from Cindy before delivering a passionate kiss on his lips. Once she pulled away, she gave him a lustful smile.

Jennifer: *pants* It's been too long since I've gotten to do that.

Y/n: U-Um, yeah.

Jennifer: *whispers into his ear* tonight I'm going to absolutely destroy your pelvis.

Y/n blushed heavily as he sometimes to heavily regret beginning to date her last year. Kamala tries to pull Jennifer away, who notices her and let's go of Y/n.

Y/n: *mutters* Thanks Kamala.

Kamala: *smiles* No problem Y/n!

She gives y/n a gentle hug, which he obviously returns. Kamala is definitely the most recent addition to his "harem" as they started dating four months ago.

Cindy: So what's going on? We were told something big is happening? And where's Gwen, if it's so important shouldn't she be here?

Y/n: Gwen is busy at the moment, she told me some super villain is roaming around, but she won't tell me who.

Cindy: Oh…


Gwen is seen at Y/n's house as the police arrived to check on M/n and the children, Iris and Jason.

Gwen twips away as she hears car alarms blar in the distance. As Gwen arrives, she sees the red symbiote escaping into the sewers.

Gwen: Damn it Casey… where are you going?


After Y/n and Laura explained the situation to the team, everyone is seen in the compound, where we see a… bigger...Thor in a hoodie, drinking a beer and walking through the compound's Testing Chamber. Tony is also there, walking in from behind Thor.

Tony: *to Thor* Drifting left. On the side there, Lebowski. *To Rocket, who's working on something underneath a glass platform* Ratchet, How's it going?

Rocket: It's Rocket. Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal.

Cut to a side room, where we see Scott, Y/n, Bruce, Steve and Rhodey talking. Scott is in a white and red suit, similar to the Ant-Man suit.

Rhodey: Time travel suit? Not bad.

Y/n: Hm, I feel like this would make an awesome spider suit...

Scott: *Response to Hulk touching the suit and something red in a glass tube* Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!

Bruce: I'm being very careful.

Scott: No, you're being very Hulky.

Bruce: I'm being careful.

Scott: *Holding up the red glass bottle* These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more.

Rhodey: Scott, calm down.

Scott: Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs. 

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