First Day on the job

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Major timeskip…

One month later...

Y/n for the past month has been training and practicing, to become the next spider-woman… er, well spider-man. With mastering wall climbing, the web shooters, his new found spider sense, which seems to be also linked with his glitch ability. He spends two days designing a suit for him, at home, classes, even when hanging out with his friends. Although for that last part ue just says it's for cosplay. Then the weeks after that, he spends getting the resources and creating the suit himself, which is where his mind really shines.

As he created a suit, possibly the most advanced thing he would ever design in his life, in his room. Today was the day he put this suit on for a test drive. The suit was lean, durable due to it being made of metal, and had web shooters put into the gloves of the suit. The mask had lenses available for him to compensate for his newly enhanced vision, which made him no longer need to wear glasses anymore. He puts the suit into a bag as he heads upstairs to the roof.

M/n: Y/n? Where are you going?

Y/n: O-Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you. Petra and I are gonna hang out at her house for a bit.

M/n: Oh, okay, just be careful on the way back, I heard there was a mugging nearby yesterday.

Y/n: Don't worry I will mom!

M/n: Oh and tell Petra and May I say hi! Speaking of which, when are you going to date that girl? She's a good girl for you, unlike that Casey skank.

Y/n: Mom! We're just friends!

M/n places her hands on her hip and looks at Y/n.

M/n: Really? 

Y/n: Yes mom! I'll see you soon!

M/n: Bye, love you honey.

Y/n: *as he leaves the door* Love ya mom!

Y/n leaves his apartment and heads up stairs to the roof. Once he arrives he takes the suit out of the bag and begins to put it on.

He adjusted the lenses before starting to hop a bit, he then started to run toward the edge before jumping off and began to web sling

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He adjusted the lenses before starting to hop a bit, he then started to run toward the edge before jumping off and began to web sling.

Y/n: *laughs* This is awesome!!

He continues to swing through the city as people below him look at him in awe. 

Y/n: Okay, okay… let's just do some patrolling so we could test this baby out.

He hears a scream from a nearby alley.

Y/n: Great! No wait not great!

He starts to zip over to the scene.



Petra is seen in her Spider-Woman suit swinging through the city, as she had just finished fighting some of kingpin's men. She was understandingly pretty tired and wanted to see Y/n since it's been a while since they last hung out alone. Since every time she brings it up in front of the others, either Gwen would join them or everyone will.

Petra: Seriously, why does she always show up when it's just us two? She always says it's so they could talk about her band and how it's going, but that obviously a lie! 

Petra sighs and continues to swing until she lands on top of an apartment building. She goes over to a bag hidden in the back of the roof which had her clothes inside.

She quickly changes and leaves the building and heads over to see Y/n, who's only a few minutes away. Once she arrives she goes over to Y/n's apartment door, and knocks. His mother opens the door and looks confused when she sees Petra.

M/n: Petra? What are you doing here?

Petra: I wanted to visit Y/n, is he here?

M/n: Visit? But wasn't he going to your house?

Petra: What? He is?

M/n: Oh no. I need to find him!

Petra: What do you think something happened to him?

M/n: There was a mugging yesterday, I fear someone went after him.

Petra: Oh no! Uh, don't panic, I'll get Harry and the others to find him! We'll search for him right away!

M/n: Please do! And please be careful dear.

Petra: I will! And I will find him!

Petra runs out of the building, going back to get her suit. The thoughts were rushing through her head. Why didn't he tell her he'll visit? Is he okay? Did he get hurt? The thoughts began to get worse and worse. She puts on her spidey suit, and begins to swing through the city in search for Y/n. That was, until she heard a woman scream.


In an alley, MJ had a knife put against her neck, as well, a hand covering her mouth as three men were standing in front of her. MJ was scared, she normally is a fearless girl, always just going with everything going on, not fearing consequences. But now… with a cold Knife against her throat, she could do nothing but cry.

???: Listen lady, you shouldn't have screamed. If you had just give in sooner this wouldn't be happening.

He keeps the knot against her, as the two guys behind him begin to rip off parts of her clothing. She tried her best to hold in her cries for help in fear of her life. The knife wielding man gave a creepy grin and moved his hand from her mouth and began to put it under her shirt. As a tear falls down her face. 

Then suddenly, one of them is pulled off the ground by a web string. The two men stare at the black and yellow Spidey like suit. 

Spidey: You guys are the lowest scum, i've ever seen. So let's knock some sense into you!

He jumps off the wall and kicks one of the guys in the face. He then turns to the knife wielding thug and shot the knife out of his hands and webbed his chest, before zipping over to him and throwing an array of punches at him. MJ stares in awe at her hero.

Y/n then threw the main offender at the wall before completely webbing him to the wall. After the man was webbed up, Y/n kick the man in the nuts for touching one of his friends. Y/n turns to check on MJ, only to feel something behind him, he instinctively goes to glitch mode as a bullet fazes through him. Y/n the looks at the last remaining member of the thugs. Y/n glitches and shows up behind the man, and went to punch him. However electricity began to spark from his fist, and once contact was made the thug was launched into a nearby dumpster from the shock.

Y/n looks at his hands in awe. 

Y/n: Huh, I guess I still have a few powers undiscovered. *turns to the knocked out men* I called you guys a ride, it's the one with red and blue lights.

He feels a pair of arms wrap around his chest as MJ was crying into his shoulder.

MJ: T-Thank you…

Y/n: U-Um, don't mention it. It's what us heros gotta do right? The police should be here any second, so be careful for now on okay?

MJ: Thank you um…

Y/n: Yeah?

MJ: What do I call you? You look like Spider-woman, but you're obviously not.

Y/n: Oh uh, call me Spider-man for now I guess, till I find a better name that is.

Sirens are heard in the distance.

Y/n: Well I guess it's time for me to go. Please be more careful ma'am!

MJ nods as Y/n web swings out of the alley. Unknown that Spider-woman had arrived to stop the thugs, only for him to swoop in.

Petra: Who was that?

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now