Powers found

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Y/n was currently asleep at the nurses office with his mother by his side, as his friends and ms. Hardy was standing outside the door. 

Harry: That's bullcrap! How isn't Flash expelled already!

MJ: He literally beat Y/n to near death!

Gwen: He should be in jail for that!

Petra: The principle didn't even listen to us!

Ms. Hardy: We can't do anything about it for two reasons. If we were to suspend or expel him, we'll be losing our best player on our team. Second, the principal is dating Flash's mom, so that's why he always lets him get away with everything. But trust me when I say, I'm going to be grading him honestly now.

Petra: What does that mean?

Ms. Hardy: The principal made me give him B's so he could appear to be passing in everything. But after this, he won't be passing my class.

MJ: Uh, this school is so bad…

Gwen: … Do you guys think he'll be okay?

Everyone stands there, unsure on what to say.

Petra: He will… I know he will…

MJ: Yeah… 

Harry; Y/n is a tough guy… he could get through this.

Ms. Hardy: … I have grading to do, so I have to go now. But, please let me know if he gets better, he's one of my favorite students after all.

Ms.Hardy heads out, leaving the concerned teens outside of the room.


The next day, Y/n was at home alone due to his mom having to go to work. His body still hurt, but it wasn't too bad since he could still walk around. Unfortunately they had to cancel going out last night due to Y/n's condition. Which he couldn't help but feel guilty for. Y/n groans in anger and walks over to his closet, he takes out a large box and takes it over to his desk.

Y/n: Okay… I have time to kill, so let's do this right this time.

He opens the box revealing makeshift web shooters, before taking a canister of what seemed to be web fluid, and then a small glass box with a preserved leftover webbing from Spider-woman after she fought shocker a few weeks ago.

When Y/n first saw Spider-woman, he dreamt to like her, a hero. But… well, reality is often disappointing. However, that didn't stop him from at least trying, nobody knows about this project, well maybe one person… but they don't talk anymore. Either way, this project is so much of a big deal for him. If he can't be a superhero he could at least help his idol. So currently he was not only making a new batch of web fluid, but is making them better than before! Y/n puts on the web fluid in the web shooters, and gets ready to test it. He grabs an empty soda can, and places it on the other side of the room.

He aims at the can, and fires, with the can being completely wrapped in webbing against the wall. Y/n laughs in excitement and he raises his hands in the air proudly.


He looks to see the can practically crushed by the webbing as he nervously chuckles.

Y/n: Guess I had the pressure too high, I'll fix that later. Now if my math is right, this new webbing will desolve in five to seven hours. *Y/n grabs a towel and walks over to the webs* I should probably cover it until it desolv-

Y/n all of a sudden begins to shake violently, and glitch out similarly to the spider from the alley. 

Y/n: What the hell!?

Y/n falls back only to glitch through his desk and slamming into the ground. He grabs his desk and pulls himself up, once he does, he noticed he couldn't take his hand off. He placed his foot against the desk and kept pulling. However he didn't make any progress.

Y/n: The hell is going on?! Do I have webbing on the desk or something!? 

He keeps pulling with all of his strength. Then all of a sudden his hand got unstuck making him fall back into the wall. He panicked, and braced for him to slam Into it. His body then started to glitch again, and next thing he knew he fell onto his bed.

Y/n, who is currently breathing heavily from the experience, pulls himself up and looks around astonished at what he just did.

Y/n: D-Did I just… 

He closes his eyes and thinks about being on the other side of the room. His ears are filled with static, until everything clears up again. He opened his eyes to see he was now on the other side of the room.

He smiles.

Y/n: I have powers… I have powers! I-I… can't tell anyone...right…

Y/n smiles bitterly, before turning to the web shooters. He then realizes something, maybe… he could be like spider-women, his hands seem to stick to any surface, and with his teleportation, or glitch, he could be like her.

Y/n: First, I need to test these powers. If that spider that came out of that weird portal thing, gave me these powers. Maybe Spider-woman got her powers like this too.

He grabs his web shooters and heads outside to the alley behind the apartment complex. He looks at the wall and places a hand on the wall. He feels his hand stick against the brick, he then places his other hand stick as well. He then smiles and laughs in excitement as he slowly starts to climb up the building. 

Until he started to lose his grip halfway, he panicked and started to fall, until he shot a web onto the side of the roof and pulled himself up, before he landed on the roof. Breathing fast, he had his hand on his chest after that experience. He took a few deep breaths before pushing himself up, and looking over the edge of the building.

Y/n: O-okay… I'm gonna have to practice that a bit more.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now