Spider-verse pt 4

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At a fast food restaurant, Y/n is seen in the bathroom washing his face. He looks at the mirror, as everything settles in.

Y/n: I'm really in another universe... *laughs unnervingly* Why... Why aren't I glitching like Peter? Where's the other me? Is there another me in this dimension? Why is there a Peter, but not a Petra? So many questions...

???: So little time...

Y/n jumps a bit as he looks up at the mirror to see nobody around.

Y/n: What the fuck... I... can't just be hearing things...

Y/n put on his mask and began to glitch as he became unnoticeable by anyone's senses. He quickly glitches out of the bathroom, and heads to the others. However, due to Miles and Peter's Spidey sense, they noticed him as he approached him.

Miles: Man that's so cool how no one can see you, I wish I had invisibility.

Y/n: It's more of a camouflage if anything. So it's not at all perfect, I could still be found by sense of smell, or hearing. Just not sight, or touch, you know.

Miles: Still cool though. Plus you got that Venom strike like me!

Y/n:*chuckles* Yeah, I guess I do.

Peter: Hey man, you okay?

Y/n: Huh? Yeah, why?

Peter: Even with the mask I could tell you're shaken up. Something happened?
Y/n chuckles a bit, as he remembers when Petra would always tell something was wrong... when she was still.

Y/n: Sorry... I uh, heard someone talk to me, but when I looked around, no one was there.

Peter and Miles look at each other concerned before back at Y/n.

Miles: Ugh...

Peter: When was the last time you slept?

Y/n: ... I... don't remember. *sigh* Right, probably going crazy huh?

Peter/Miles: Yup.

Y/n: Alright... so, where are we heading next?


Y/n rubbing his eyes as their bus had finally stopped. As Miles and Peter get up from their seat, Peter pat Y/n's shoulder.

Peter: Rise and shine, come on, we have a break in to commit.

Y/n: *groans* Right right.

Y/n finally exits the bus as Peter and Miles are seen now in the woods by Alchemax. Peter takes off his coat, and shoes, before putting on his mask. Y/n glitches up onto a tree, and looks to see Miles now standing by Peter wearing a cape.

Y/n: Where the fuck, did you get that cape?

Peter: Yeah, you're not wearing that.

Miles: What? I think it looks cool.

Peter: *grabs cape* Spider-Man doesn't wear capes, it's disrespectful.

Peter throws away the cape.

The three peaks from over a boulder as Alchemax, is seen far in front of them.

Y/n: So how exactly are we gonna retrace Peter's steps?

Peter: Good question.

He crotches and holds his chin as he begins to think. While Miles stares at Peter, also wondering what he would've done.

Peter: What would I do if I were me... Got it. I infiltrate the lab. Two: Find the head scientist's computer.

Miles: That lady with the bike is the head scientist. I saw her in this documentary at school.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now