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Five days later, it's Saturday afternoon.Y/n is seen working on some new web shooters in his room, while Petra was reading over some of his personal notes for his inventions.

Petra: Wait. So how long were you building these?

Y/n turned his chair around from his desk after putting down the newly made web fluid. He looks at his bin full of equipment and smiles bitterly at them as if he was recalling a memory. However, his mood quickly changes as he looks up at Petra, making him form a small smile.

Y/n: About two years ago, so about two months after your fight with Vulture.

Petra was dumbfounded by the information. For two years he was working on this stuff? And she seriously never noticed every time she came over? Well guess they're both dense.

Petra: Wait really?

Y/n: Uh yeah, of course I always wanted to be a hero but...

Petra: But?

Y/n pours the web fluid into a canister, and the extra into his suit. He seals the canister and tosses it to Petra who instinctively catches it.

Y/n: Since I didn't have powers, and I couldn't find a way to replicate it. I wanted to do the next best thing. I wanted to be your partner.

Petra: Partner?

Y/n: Yeah! Like your tech guy! The guy in the chair! So I made these gadgets for you!

He goes through his bin and pulls out a web shooter similar to Petra, but it seems a bit more bulkier, with three settings. He pressed a small blue button, then activated the web shooters. The tip of the shooter began to spark.

Y/n: This is an electric web shooter mode! It electrifies targets once in contact, after a few seconds the electricity will die down so we don't have to worry about it actually hurting people!

He presses another button, a simple red button. The electricity dies down, as he shoots a simple web out.

Y/n: This is the default web shooting mode! But the webbing I finished a month ago proves to be much stronger than your batch, with it being tear resistant, and taking 5-7 hours to fully dissolve.

Petra: That's amazing Y/n.

Y/n smiles brightly as his cheeks go red at Petra clearly happy with the complement, but still a bit embarrassed.

Y/n: Oh and this last mode!.*presses white button* This is impact mode! I was testing out the web shooters last month when I accidentally made this mode. This releases a larger amount of webbing at a high impact, hence the name impact webs!

Petra: Wow Y/n, I didn't know you were this smart, and you made all of these... for me?

Y/n's cheeks flare up as he becomes a shuddering, mumbling mess.

Y/n: W-Well, Y-yeah, I-I mean, it's just g-gear. It's not t-that great. N-not that you don't deserve great things! I-I just thought-

He was interrupted by the sound of Petra giggling at Y/n as for the first time ever she made him shy.

Petra: *giggles* I'm sorry, it's just, that was so cute!

Y/n: Hey!

Petra lies on Y/n's bed and smiles at him as the two laugh a bit. Y/n turns back and continues to edit his suit, which got Petra's curiosity.

Petra: Hey, so how did you make that suit? It looks pretty advanced.

Y/n keeps focusing on the suit.

Y/n: At first I built it just as a costume a long time ago, no real practical purpose. But after getting my powers I had to make it work alongside my other gadgets. Honestly this whole thing is a prototype, so it doesn't work that well. But I do have other suits, not as advanced but so far seem much more practical.

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