Meet the rookies

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(I'm tired)

After Y/n visited his mom, she gave him a good lecture about working everyone, and hit him a few times with a newspaper roll. Y/n was luckily able to explain what happened to her, allowing her to understand the situation he was in.

Currently, Y/n is swinging over to Avengers tower. Y/n sees the living room and begins to glitch inside.

Y/n: Alright, so where's Nat?

Y/n's spider-sense goes off, as he jumps back as two metallic claws slash by his face.

Y/n: Hey watch it!

Y/n looked up to see a girl with long black hair wearing black leather clothing, while two claws protruded from her hands.

Y/n: What? What are you a female wolverine?

This just seems to make her much madder as she continues to attempt to slice him up. She threw a good punch, as the claws began to head straight towards his chest. However, Y/n glitches into the air, and shoots impact webs on her hands, forcing them onto the ground.

Y/n: What hell did I do?!

???: You just broke into the Avengers tower! What do you think intruder!! 

The claws suddenly cut through the webbing momentarily shocking Y/n. She then kicks him in the chest, launching him across the room.

Y/n: What the hell are you talking about?! I'm an- !

Suddenly the girl's claws pierce the wall right next to his head. Y/n growls and begins to spark as he then delivers a venom-shock to her stomach launching her across the room. This time Y/n webs her entire arms locking her against the floor.

???: You-!

Y/n webs her mouth making her shake in anger as she attempts to free herself. Suddenly the main doors open revealing many other people, armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Y/n, however, recognized two people within the crowd as his spider-sense would silently go off.

Y/n: Nat? Kamala?

Kamala: Glitch!

Nat pushes through the agents and quickly pulls Y/n into a hug.

Nat: You're okay! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!

Y/n: *chuckles* Well, It wasn't really by choice. 

Kamala: Why is Laura tied up?

Y/n: She attacked me when I came here. She's terrifying to be honest.

Nat: *sighs then looks at the agents helping Laura up* Untie her. Laura, what were you thinking attacking an Avenger?

Laura: But he broke in! And would I have known he was an avenger?!

Nat: Because he's gonna be helping Me teach you guys. *rubs her head* Kamala, I thought I told you to let the others know?

Kamala: *nervously chuckles* I only told Cindy, sorry, but Laura is kinda scary.

Laura: *growls* What?!

Kamala helps and hides behind Y/n, who places his palm on his forehead.

Y/n: Nat? What is all this?

Nat: I told you before, we're setting up a new team, with some of our own proteges, and fellow superhumans we found. Such as Kamala, Fury found her before the snap, and recruited her. Then there's Laura, who was originally training with the X-man, but decided to apply for this. Then there's Jennifer aka She-Hulk, who's Dr. Branner cousin.

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