The spider and The Cat

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(If no one could tell this story, was heavily influenced by the story "Filling in big shoes")

Y/n is still swinging through the night when he gets a call from Yuri. 

Yuri: Y/n,a report came in a few minutes ago someone broke into a museum. I believe Black cat might've broken in, can you make it there to stop her?

Y/n: Sure! Anytime Yuri! I'm nearby, I'll call you when I catch her!

Yuri: Okay. Be careful kid, she's a tricky one.

The call ends as Y/n makes his way to the museum.


At the police station, Yuri had just hung up the phone, only to slap her forehead as she remembered something.

Yuri: *groans* Crap, I forgot to tell him about her personality.


Y/n lands on the roof of the museum, before scanning the area for any entry points. Suddenly, he hears a vent open, a figure crawls out of the vent. He quickly hides and begins to glitch so much. causing his body to appear invisible. With only the occasional glitch, he watches as the womanly figure stands up and opens the bag around her waist. She holds up a large seven pound diamond in the palm of her hands. The moonlight hits her, giving Y/n a beautiful sight. Her white hair was tied in a ponytail, she wore a black suit, with white lines throughout the costume. As well with a small mask around her eyes. And lastly her gloves had claws on the end of each finger.  

Clearly she's one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen, one of. Black cat smiled at the diamond before she in the corner of her eye, she noticed something looked off. 

Black Cat: Oh? What's that?

Y/n becomes viable again for a moment only to glitch over to her. He shoots webbing at her, only for her to dodge. 

Black Cat: Were you the one staring?

Y/n: Sorry, didn't mean to stare. 

Black Cat: *smirks* Oh, I don't mind cutie~

Y/n: u-uh thanks, no wait! You stole from this museum! Return it and I'll let you go!

Black Cat holds the diamond and approaches the Glitch Spider. She places the diamond against his chest, before caressing his cheek with her remaining hand. 

Black Cat: How about this… you let me go, and I could show you a good time later?

She then begins to feel his chest, and circles her finger on his chest as well.

Black Cat: I would even consider letting it be more than a one time thing. So what do you say?

Y/n: Nope, sorry, I'm gonna need the diamond back now! 

Y/n drops a red beeping ball onto the ground.

Cat jumps back in surprise, as the ball explodes sending webbing everywhere. Black Cat stands up and notices her diamond was missing. She looks up to see Y/n standing above her, with the diamond in hand.

Y/n: Seriously, I'm flattered, but I'm a faithful boyfriend. 

Black Cat: Well that's too bad. You've certainly caught my interest~

She begins to sprint away from Y/n, who quickly follows the woman. As she jumps roof to roof, Y/n shoots an electric web at her back, shocking her mid jump. Making her fall back onto the roof. 

Y/n approaches her, her hair is untied, as well, her mask falls off of her face. She curses as she readies her claws to attack the spider. When he approaches her, his spidey sense goes off, his body begins to glitch as she goes to tackle him. However, instead she goes through him, before he stabilizes and grabs her arm and pushes her to the ground.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now