Venom and the captain

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The next week, Y/n is seen in Robotics class next to Harry like always. Mr Smith hands out the assignments to everyone before announcing something.

Mr Smith: Alright everyone listen up. Today I'm going to be giving you your new assigned partners for the upcoming project.

Mr. Smith begins to call out names of the newly assigned pairs. Until eventually…

Mr Smith  Y/n L/n and Ellie Brock.

Y/n perks up, he heard about her. Yeah, if he remembers she was one of the new kids. The thing is, she never really talked to him, or anyone. He heard people talk about her always whispering to herself, or how she would get mad, as if someone was annoying her.

Mr. Smith: Alright, everyone get in your group, and begin brainstorming.

Everyone began to move to their new spots, he noticed Ellie not moving, so he decided to go to her instead. As he sat down he took his notebook out and began to write down some ideas as she still hadn't said anything to him.

Ellie:*whispers* ...shut up.

Y/n looks at her to see she's gripping onto her forehead.

Y/n: I'm sorry, did I do something?

Ellie looks at Y/n before her face goes red from embarrassment.

Ellie: N-No sorry. Uh don't worry about it.

Y/n: *clearly skeptical* Oookay, so anyway I was thinking, I think for this project we'll need to meet outside of school so we have enough time to finish this. Especially if we want the best grade possible, we might need some stuff from outside the class.

He turns his sketch towards her, she quickly reads it and nods.

Ellie: Okay. I'll see if I could meet you somewhere to work on it. 

Y/n: Hm, how about my house? I tend to work on projects similar to this, so we could use some of those equipment.

Ellie: Okay, so when should I come over?


Later that night, Petra is seen sitting on a ledge of a building in her spider suit. She opens her phone and checks the time. 

Petra: What's taking him so long.

Y/n: Sorry P, I was helping Yuri chase some guys in a car.

Petra jumps a bit as she turns to see Y/n perched next to her. 

Petra: What!? How didn't it hear you?!

He gives her a "really?" Look, before glitching behind her.

Petra: Oh right. Hey, you're wearing a different suit.

Y/n: Yeah, my old suit is being very buggy, I guess that's what I get for wearing a prototype. I made this a year ago based on your suit. You like it?

 You like it?

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