Carnage Arc part 1

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It's been... maybe a week since Y/n and Ellie's project presentation. And he's proud to say the two of them got an A+. Ever since Ellie and him have been texting each other more often. Talking about their next projects, assignments, or just to know each other. Of course, it's weird talking to her knowing she's Venom, but he could tell she doesn't mean anything wrong. Honestly this whole week has been weird, First with helping Falicia, turn good, then training with Natasha, and doing his patrols with Petra. Plus, Gwen has been... more jumpy recently.

However, none of that could compare to Casey. She seems to be actively stalking him, in the halls of school, to the walk back home. What's worse is he feels much more of a sense of danger when she's around. As if she was a ticking time bomb. Y/n sighs at the thought.

Y/n is seen at home tweaking with his mask lenses. He finishes adjusting the mask and puts it with the rest of his suit. He runs his eyes before sliding down his wall from exhaustion. He looks at his phone background to see a picture of him, Petra, and Gwen all smiling in front of a museum they recently visited. He smiles at the picture before he suddenly gets a text by his spider girl.

Petra: *text* Hey sorry Y/n, I'm gonna be a bit late today, Aunt May wants me to help her clean the apartment 😔

Y/n: *text* It's fine, I know how messy you could be.

Petra: *Text* HEY!!

Y/n: *text* 🙃

Petra: *text* Heh, love you Y/n I'll be there in a few hours!

Y/n: *whisper as he text* Love you too...

Y/n looks up at his ceiling.

Y/n: At least Gwen should be here in an hour.

The doorbell suddenly goes off.

Y/n: Or now.

M/n: Y/n! Your friend is here!

Y/n stands up and heads to his door, however instead of seeing Gwen, a sweaty Ellie Brock is seen standing by the door, clearly exhausted.

M/n: Oh god, dear you look terrible, I'll get you some water.

Ellie: *raspy* Thank you...

Y/n walks over to Ellie.

Y/n: Ellie, what happened.

Ellie: I... need to talk to you... please.

A few minutes later, Ellie and Y/n are seen inside Y/n's room. The two are seen sitting across from each other, with Ellie on his bed and Y/n at his desk. Ellie takes one last sip of her glass of water and looks at Y/n.

Y/n: So what's wrong?

Ellie: ...

Ellie looks into Y/n's eyes before frowning.

Ellie: Y/n... when I tell you this, I don't want you to freak out... okay?

Y/n: Uh, sure. What's going on.

Ellie stands up and paces around before taking a deep breath.

Ellie: *to self* Okay, I could do this... yeah, okay.

She looks at Y/n with a serious look, before her whole body begins to be covered in a black sludge. She began to take the form of Venom and looked at Y/n, who instinctively took a step back, knocking over his chair. Venom, or Ellie, goes back to normal, before Venom begins to stretch off her shoulder. Venom's face takes form and looks at Y/n.

Venom: Hello Y/n.

Y/n: *pretending to be shocked* Y-You're Venom...

Ellie nods.

Ellie: Yeah... Y/n, Venom thinks you could help us with something.

Venom's face inches closer to Y/n.

Venom: I wanted to be sure I was right first. *moves to the other side of Y/n's face* I need a spider's help.

Y/n's eyes widened.

Ellie: What?

Venom: This the Glitch Spider, I needed to be this close in order to catch his scent ... and I was right.

Ellie: You're him?

Y/n: Yeah...

Ellie: Thank god... you really can help us then.

Y/n: Why would I help you guys?! You guys kill people.

Ellie: Listen L/n, our morals aren't important right now! We need your help to stop something worse than us!

Y/n: ...Worse?

Ellie: Her name... is Carnage. She's much more violent than us. She tried to kill us earlier. We barely got away, that's why we're all sweaty.

Y/n: What's this "Carnage"?

Ellie: She's a symbiote like Venom, but much more dangerous and erratic. She's basically like Venom's daughter.

Y/n: *raises an eyebrow and looks at Venom* What? How the hell does that work?

Venom: Well you see Y/n when a mama symbiote and the same mama symbiote-

Before she could say more Ellie interrupts her.

Ellie: Look, that's not important right now. What is important, is we need your help dealing with Carnage.

Y/n: Right... well, let me call someone first to help us.

Ellie: Petra right?

Y/n looks wide eyed at Ellie

Y/n: Wh-

Ellie: If we were right about you being The Glitch-Spider, then it's obvious Petra is Spider-Woman. Don't worry we won't tell anyone.

Venom: *to Ellie* But if she picks a fight, we will fight her right?

Ellie: Of course.

Y/n: ... Okay... can we search for her tomorrow? I got a date with Gwen and Petra.

Ellie: O-Oh, uh sure. I'll call you if I need help finding her okay?

Y/n: Alright.

Ellie then leaves the room and says goodbye before leaving the building. As she exits the building, a silhouette is seen hiding in the ally across the street. The silhouette growls as it sees Ellie leave the building, to which a few minutes later, Gwen is seen entering the building. The figure scrapes its red and black fingers across the brick wall besides it.

???: Soon Y/n... I get you back from the whores who stole you away from me.

The figure steps out of the alley showing Casey wearing a black leather jacket, as a small red and black symbiote sinks back into the girl's hand. Casey's eyes show nothing but pure insanity as she begins to giggle silently, before walking back into the alley where her whole body was once again wrapped in the red and black symbiote. Casey's arm stretches and plants itself on a wall before pulling herself up and swinging away. And as she swung her giggles turned into full blown psychotic laughter that fills the streets.

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