*A Living Nightmare*

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1 year before Spider-Verse… 

Universe S-V

A Young Adult with H/C hair is seen walking out of a laboratory.

Y/n: Bye Mr. Connors! I'll see you tomorrow!

Conners: Goodnight, and good job on the Lizard serum, with a few more tests, hopefully we could get rid of the unwanted side effects.

Y/n nods before leaving the facility, he approaches his car and as he goes to open the door he suddenly gets a text. Y/n rolls his eyes at the text and ignores it before getting inside the car and heading home. 


After almost an hour of driving, Y/n is finally seen in front of his home, he sighs as he takes off his coat and approaches his door. Once he opened the door, he placed his coat on a hanger and suddenly heard something in the kitchen. Y/n slowly opens his suitcase and pulls out a 50p cal magnum pistol. A bit much, but with all of the supervillains in New York, could never be careful. He checks and sees he has a full barrel before quietly walking towards the kitchen. Y/n sees who it is and lowers the gun before sighing.

Y/n: *coughe* ahem.

His sudden voice scared the girl named Mary Jane Watson, aka MJ, so much that she almost dropped a plate of food.

MJ: Y/n!?

Y/n: Hey MJ… why are you in my house?

Y/n: You never answer my text anymore,so I came here to talk to you, and since I know your shift was ending soon I decided to make you dinner.

Y/n: Nice of you to make me dinner, but you're shit at leaving me alone.

MJ: You shouldn't be alone Y/n! That's the point! You've never once came to talk to us, not even me! We told each other everything!

Y/n: Tch, why don't you just go back to Peter, in sure he'll listen to you.

MJ: This isn't about me Y/n, ever since Gwen… ever since she died you left me out in the dark. Hell, you're more mysterious than Peter ever was! Y/n, just tell me what's going on with you.

Y/n grits his teeth as he suddenly slams his hands against the table. MJ flinches from the sudden anger, her eyes then widen as she sees the gun still in his hands.

Y/n: Mind your damn business!

MJ: ...Y-Y/n why are you carrying a gun? Are you gonna…

Y/n looks down at the gun and scoffs before tossing it onto the couch in the living room.

Y/n: To protect myself. Now please MJ, I consider you to be my sister… but don't try to get involved with me anymore. The farther the better… Especially from Peter.

MJ: W-Why?

Y/n looks at her with dull eyes.

Y/n: ...He'll probably fail to save you too, just like Gwen.

MJ: What do you mean?

Y/n: … I know he's Spider-man, MJ. 

MJ's eyes widen as she's Y/n sit back down, he places his head in his hands.

Y/n: It's not that hard to figure out… I may have been naive in high school, but not anymore. I don't wanna be like him, a failure of a hero.

MJ: He's not a failure Y/n!

Y/n: Then why didn't he ever stop them?! The Goblin, Rhino, Scorpion, Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro! Every single one has escaped time and time again! This "hero" causes more death, and suffering for others, for just not killing them! He keeps giving them second chances, when they clearly don't change. A real hero… no...not a hero, a protector has to do what's necessary.

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