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Everyone stares at Y/n as Casey stands across from him with her eyes almost lost of all color.

Casey: ...What?

Y/n: Move on Casey. I don't hate you okay, but we'll never get back together. I moved one you should too.

Y/n sighs and begins to walk back to his table. As he walks back, he hears Casey whisper something.

Casey: no…

Y/n: huh?

Y/n looks back to see Casey staring at the ground. Y/n notices a tear drop roll down her face. She looked up at him, revealing she was crying. 

Casey: N-No… Y/n please stop joking around like that… Please I love you, I can't live without you!

Y/n tries his best to not comfort her, despite not having the same feelings as her anymore. He still wants to have some kind of connection with her, but he knows that would just make everything worse. 

Casey: Y/n… please say something… please look at me.

Y/n: … I'm sorry.

Y/n quickens his pace and sits with Gwen and the others. Gwen and Petra try to comfort him by holding his hands, which causes him to give them a small smile. While Casey was still standing there, she had a tear go down her face as she saw him leave her again. Her face showed nothing but sorrow, however, her eyes began to fill with rage as she saw the two girls holding him. However, one girl in particular she recognized, she felt nothing but hate towards her.

Casey: *whispering* You took him away from me Petra. It's all your fault.

She then walks out of the cafeteria.


That night, Petra is seen standing in front of an apartment. She knocks on the door revealing Gwen in her casual clothing.

Gwen: Hey Petra!

Petra: Hey Gwen.

Gwen invites Petra in, the two sit on the couch, before Gwen turns on the TV.

Gwen: I know we're here to talk, but I normally like the tv to play in the background.

Petra: It's fine.

Gwen: Alright! *sits on adjust her position* So what did you want to talk about?

Petra: It's about… Y/n.

Gwen: O-Oh. What about him?

Petra: W-well… I don't know who to talk to this about, MJ would tease me constantly. Harry isn't exactly the most sentimental person. You're the only one I could tell, even if you are dating him… I think you already know where this is going...

Gwen: Yeah… you like him too huh?

Petra: hey, like? No, I love him. 

Gwen: I… I'm sorry, I couldn't wait anymore. I had to say something…

Petra places a hand on Gwen's shoulder.

Petra: You don't have to be sorry, I'm not mad at you or anything  just a bit disappointed I didn't say anything sooner.

Gwen: I see… How long did you, well like him?

Petra giggles a bit.

Petra: *giggle* Since we were kids. That's how long I loved him.

Gwen: You even loved him when he was with Casey? It must've been hard for you, that he loved someone else...

Petra: Yeah, that was the worst. She ripped him away from me, but not just me, everyone. There was even a time he didn't talk to me for a month, all because he said that she would break up with him if she saw us talking.

Gwen: Petra… are you okay with me dating him?

Petra: After thinking about it… yeah, you love him too. I can't say you don't deserve him. Just… please make him the happiest man in the world. For me?

Petra starts to tear up and stands up intending to leave.

However, before she leaves Gwen grabs her arm.

Gwen: Wait!

Petra looks at Gwen, who grows a small smile.

Gwen: I have an Idea.

Gwen whispers something into Petra's ears. Petra's eyes widen before turning to Gwen.

Petra: Huh!? Are you sure?!

Gwen simply smiles and nods.

Petra hugs Gwen and cries in her shoulder.

Gwen: Hey are you okay?!

Petra: Yeah… I'm just so happy…

Gwen smiled as she pats Petra's back.


Y/n is seen walking to his locker, for some reason Petra didn't go on patrol with him yesterday. She apparently had to talk to someone, which he's fine with. It's just a shame because he wanted to show her one of his suits he upgraded.

As he opens his locker, he senses someone near him, he looks to see Petra and Gwen are walking up to him.

Y/n: Oh Good morning girls.

Petra/Gwen: Hi y/n!

Gwen pulls Petra over to Y/n, all with a big smile on her face. Y/n couldn't smile at the girl.

Gwen: Y/n, Petra has something to say to you!

Y/n: Oh? Petra what is it-

Petra suddenly kisses Y/n directly on the lips. Y/n frantically looks around, then at Gwen. But surprisingly she wasn't upset, instead she was smiling and giving a thumbs up, causing him to blush even more. 

Gwen: Come on Y/n, kiss back already!

Y/n smiles a bit and finally kisses Petra back, causing her to turn as red as her spider-suit. The two finally break the kiss with Petra panting staring at Y/n. Y/n chuckles and looks at her.

Y/n: Well, I'm not an idiot. Based on that you love me too.

Petra: *smiles* For the longest time Y/n. I was too scared to say anything… and I was devastated when you first had Casey, and even more when you started to date Gwen… but I love you Y/n. 

Y/n: I don't know what to say...Wait, hold up a minute. *points at Gwen* How are you okay with this?!

Gwen: Well if it was some random chick I would be absolutely livid, but this Petra we're talking about of course I'm okay with it.

Y/n: But how is this supposed to work?

Gwen: Petra and I are gonna share you!

Y/n: *thoughts* Share? What am I a toy?

He notices Petra twirling her figures while looking down.

Petra: Are you… okay with it?

Y/n grows a small smile and kisses her on the cheek.

Y/n: As long as Gwen is fine with this, then yeah, of course I'm fine.

Petra brightens up and immediately returns the hug. Gwen smiles as she watches the scene, she sees Y/n look at her and wave her over, she comes closer and is pulled into the hug. She's then peck on the lips by Y/n. The three laugh a bit, having a moment of pure happiness…

Before the peace is interrupted in just a few days...

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