Talking it out

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Petra and Y/n were currently sitting across from each other in Y/n's room. The two uncomfortably shift in their seats waiting for the other to speak.

Petra/Y/n: You go first. No, I insist, okay stop. I'll go first.

The two awkwardly laugh, the two then sit closer together as Y/n speaks up 

Y/n: You were… Spider-woman this whole time?

Petra: Well… I guess I hid my secret for much longer. S-so, yes I'm Spider-woman.

Y/n: When did you… just how?

Petra: You remember that field trip to Oscorp a two years ago? A spider bit me, and the next morning I got these… powers. 

Y/n: So everytime you were busy? You were Spider-woman.

Petra: I'm… sorry.

Y/n: *grows an excited smile* Sorry!? What are you sorry for! You were saving lives! You're a hero Petra!

Petra blushes as she didn't expect him to be so excited about this. She then remembers a certain thing harry said earlier, but she'll ask him about that later.

Petra: *blushing* B-But, how about you? When did you get these powers, and that suit? 

Y/n's smile briefly fades as he remembers his he got his powers, but shakes it off and looks at his best friend in the eyes. 

Y/n: Uh, remember when flash and his gang beat me up last month?

Petra: Yeah…

Y/n: Okay, I know this is gonna sound weird but you gotta believe me. When I was on the ground, before I passed, a portal opened up in front of me. Then a Spider came out and bit me. Then the portal closed, the spider started to glitch out, and it just vanished. Now I could glitch through reality, it's weird.

Petra looked at Y/n with an uncertain look. She knew he wouldn't lie to him, here he just never told anyone he had powers. But, a portal? Then again mr. Stark told her that he knows a guy who can make portals.

Petra: Yeah that is weird. Wait, so that would mean you saved MJ back at the ally! That's why you were quiet the whole time.

Y/n scratches his head.

Y/n: Yeah… um but, I couldn't tell you guys since…

Petra: I get it, there's only so many people we could trust with our identities.

Y/n: Does anyone know yours?

Petra: Well, other than you, I guess just Tony Stark.

Y/n: WAIT! Iron man knows you!?

Petra giggles nervously.

Petra: Yeah, remember that stark internship? He was actually teaching me to be a hero, he even helped me fix my suit after a fight with Electro.

Y/n: That's so cool! You have to introduce me to him!

Petra: Yea- wait no! 

Petra grips in her hair remembering why she needed to talk to him.

Petra: We're getting off track! Why? Why are you dressing up like me and fighting thugs! You're putting yourself in danger!

Y/n was taken back and was surprised by Petra's yelling.

Y/n: Why? Petra I have powers now! I'm finally not weak anymore! I could protect myself, I could save people! 

Petra: You'll get yourself hurt!

Y/n: So?

Petra looks at him angrily. 

Petra: So? What do you mean, so?!

Y/n: So?! You risk yourself everyday! Yeah I admired you as Spider-woman because of everything you've done for this city, despite all the risk! Now I know my best friend was the one who put herself in danger time and time again! If you died, I would never be able to go through life the same ever again! So don't tell me I shouldn't risk my life to save others! I… I-I just want to be like you Petra… I wanna save people, I want to be a hero like you.

Petra stares at him dumbfounded as she looked at him holding his face trying to calm himself down.

Petra: I-I understand.

Y/n looks up at her.

Petra: Okay, Y/n. Do you want me to train you? And be partners? This way, we could watch each others back?

Y/n grows a smile before hugging Petra, he began to laugh in excitement, which caused her to giggle as well.

Petra: I take that as a yes?

Y/n: No shit! I'm going to be trained by THE Spider-woman!

Petra: Hey I'm still the Petra you grew up with!

Y/n: Yeah, but with powers!

Petra giggles at his excitement. Petra stands up on the bed and points at her new found pupil.

Petra: Okay! For now on, we'll meet up at this roof after school, got it?! 

Y/n: Got it!

The two keep looking at each other then both burst into laughter, they couldn't handle being serious any longer. Now that their secrets are behind them, they could continue onwards. Petra and Y/n fall back onto the bed, with them now lying next to each other before finally claiming down. The two turn to each other and before smiling, and looking at the ceiling.

Y/n: You wanna watch Star Wars Episode 4 again?

Petra: uh duh.


Later that night, the two decided to have a sleepover as they realised it got too late for her to go home, so unaware, M/n called aunt May and told her that Petra could stay over for the night. Even if the two didn't plan on it, they didn't really mind. 

The two were sitting together in the living room watching a movie, with Petra lying on Y/n's chest. Petra was still partially awake, while Y/n had already fallen asleep ten minutes into the movie. Petra stares at her crush's peaceful face as she started to drift to sleep. As her eyes got heavier she said one more thing.

Petra: I hope Harry wasn't lying… 

And with that, she fell asleep in Y/n's arms. M/n walks out of her room to check on the two. She then notices the two sleeping peacefully, She snickers at the position they're in and takes a quick picture.

M/n: Oh I can't wait to show them this.

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