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Y/n is seen sitting in a green and white room, sitting on a couch twirling his thumbs. He then hears footsteps coming from the hall, as he looks through the window in the wall, Casey is seen being escorted to the room. Casey looks at the window wondering who was willing to visit her, once she saw Y/n her face began to light up. 

The door opens allowing Casey to step in. The guard then looks at Y/n.

???: You have one hour.

Y/n nods as the guard closes the door leaving the two alone in the room.

Casey: Y/n? It's really nice to see you, but why are you here?

Y/n: What? Don't want me visiting?

Casey began to blush.

Casey: N-No far from that. I'm really happy you're here to visit me! I'm just confused, why would you take your time to visit a monster like me…

Her hands began to shake from the memories of being used by Carnage. She shuts her eyes as a tear begins to fall, however they shoot wide open when she feels Y/n grab her hand. 

Y/n: You're not a monster, that symbiote altered your mind. Now sure you may be… a bit possessive. But you never thought about murdering someone. Carnage made you do that, it wanted you to be it's perfect host. Unfortunately that would've made you a psychopath.

Casey wipes away her tears as she squeezes his hand a bit.

Y/n: You wanted to know why I'm here?

She nods.

Y/n: a few weeks ago, something happened. And because of that half of the population was erased in the universe. I wanted to check if you survived thankfully you did… everyone but Gwen… got dusted.

Casey: Oh Y/n… I-I'm sorry Petra she…

Y/n: *sighs* Don't bother, I know you're probably glad she's gone. 

Casey: But she was still my friend at one point! I know I was jealous- no! I am jealous that she had your love, but I didn't want something like this to happen! 

Y/n: Sorry… it was just in space for 21 days a whole ago, and I just woke up today… so I'm a bit stressed.
The two stayed in silence before the green eyed girl spoke up.

Casey: *worryingly* Are you still gonna be Glitch-Spider?

Y/n: I have too Casey. The city can't lose hope anymore. Plus, Gwen is going to be helping me, so I won't be alone in this.

Casey: Just be careful, I don't want you to get hurt even more. Not after everything I did…

Y/n: We already forgave you Casey…

Casey: Yeah… but I don't forgive myself.

Y/n sighs and simply rubs her hands, helping assure her a bit. 

Y/n: Casey, do you know when you'll be out?

Casey shakes her head.

Casey: I've been on my best behavior, so I hope soon… but I don't know when though.

Y/n: Alright.

Casey: Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Casey began to blush.

Casey: I know this may be too much to ask but… can you visit me every week? Sorry, I know you'll probably be too busy, what was I even thinking-

Y/n looks at her as she rambles with his eyebrow raised before chuckling a bit.

Y/n: Yeah, of course I'll visit.

Casey smiles before hugging Y/n tightly, which he happily returns.

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now