Little Fiend (Sanders Sides)

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Requested by DeecravesBEANS

"Whoah," the human breathed. "You're so small!"

"And you have an astute observation," the borrower deadpanned.

Janus, despite being very thorough in his planning, had gotten caught. The human was simply too unruly and downright chaotic to find a perfect schedule that lasted for more than a week. In fact Janus had nearly been spotted a number of times before, but he always managed to slither away. It seemed that tonight, however, his luck ran dry as he was held in the human's fist. The human only chuckled at Janus' comment, making the borrower's ears burn pink.

"Now, are you done with your ogling or do I have to bite you to be put down!" Janus continued, his struggles resuming.

"Hey easy there mousey!" the human snickered, poking Janus' head roughly. "I'm not even hurting y'a!"

Janus begged to differ, as the mere poke left a ringing in his ear. Before Janus had time to make another demand, the human's forefinger and thumb came into contact with his face, pinching his cheeks roughly. The human's untrimmed finger nails dug harshly into Janus' skin, even drawing blood on his left side.

"N'awee, you're just a lil cutie. Why I could just eat you up," the human giggled.

Janus' eyes widened and he tried to free his head from the human's grip. Though he new next to nothing about his host, Janus had easily come to realize that once an idea crossed the human's mind, it was very difficult for him to not act upon it.

"It's a figure of speech lil guy, I won't actually eat you!" the human teased. And although Janus hated his condescending manner, he was still able to relax slightly. That is until the human continued. "Not before I get to play with my new little toy!"

"I beg your pardon I—I am not a toy!" Janus growled.

"Anything's a toy if you play with it," the human grinned, and Janus noted how he said anything rather than anyone.

The human suddenly squeezed Janus extremely tightly, giving him no warning as he gasped for breath in the bone crushing grip.

"And by the looks of it, you'd make a pretty good stress ball too!" the human giggled before tossing Janus into the air.

Janus screamed, limbs flailing as he free falled before the human caught him with his other hand.

"D-don't do that ever—"

"Awe no you dropped your wittle hat," the human pouted.

He plucked the minuscule bowler hat off the counter, his fingers dwarfing the small accessory. He placed it back on Janus' head, who's face showed a mix of shock, anger and fear. The human tipped it back into place with his pinky, laughing at the small man.

"You've got a fiend in me, lil guy."

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