Lies (Deceit x tiny reader)

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I cautiously poked my head out of my hole near the kitchen. I didn't see any sigh of the beans. I probably shouldn't stay in this house, there were 5 beans living here after all. Some of them didn't even seem very human... but they had good jam so I stayed.

I climbed out of my hole and landed on the kitchen counter. Luckily, there was a box of cereal left out. I swung my hook and pulled. The cereal box fell over, spilling a few Cheerios. I grabbed them and noticed that someone left the jam out! I skipped over to it excitedly, it truly was the best jam I've ever had. I was figuring out how I wanted to open it, when someone just appeared out of thin air. That was weird... even the beans who do appear out of nowhere kind of rise up. But him, he just, well, appeared!

I quickly hid behind the jam. Luckily, he hadn't noticed me yet. I peaked around the jam to get a better look at him. Even though he resembled all the other beans, I had never seen him before. He had a black boulder had, a black and yellow cape thingy with yellow gloves. He opened the fridge and was humming something. Suddenly he looked over in my direction and I froze. Only half of his face resembled the others. The other half was covered in snakelike scales. I did not like snakes. Both his brown and yellow eyes widened when he saw me. I dropped the cheerios and started backing up, earning a smirk from him.

"Well well well, what have we here?" he crooned.

He took a step toward the counter and reached a gloved hand towards me. I pulled out my pin and puffed out my chest to make myself seem taller, for all the good it did me. His hand froze mere centimetres from my shaking form.

"Wow, you're very intimidating,"

I swung the pin into the tip of his index finger. Unfortunately, his glove was far too thick for my pathetic needle and I didn't even manage to break any skin.

"Ow, that hurt a lot," he said as he plucked out the pin from his glove.

I sent him a questioning look. It didn't look like it hurt... but maybe now he'd be scared of me and leave me alone? I backed up even more until I ran into something. I looked over my shoulder to see that his hand had formed a wall behind me. I gulped and turned back towards his now smirking face. So much for him leaving me alone. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then we both heard somebody come down the stairs. His gloved hand quickly wrapped around me and stuffed me inside the inner pocket of his cape.

"Ah, Deceit," said a voice that I recognized as the smart bean.

Wait wait wait, his name was Deceit?! I was in the literal hands of a guy name DECEIT! This can't be good!

"Logan! I am so happy to see you right now at this exact moment!" exclaimed Deceit.

The smart bean—no, Logan, made a "hmpf" sound.

"Well it was so nice seeing you again! If you'll excuse me, I don't have any business to attend to!"

Then something weird happened. I felt woozy and disoriented. I also felt myself sinking down... wait, that's how the other not-human beans leave! They call it sinking out or something. I never knew where they went to, but I guess I'm about to find out. The weird sensation stopped and I was fished out of Deceit's pocket. I was brought into a new place. It was still obviously the kitchen, but everything was much darker and there was weird, faint music coming from all around. (Insert Deceit theme here) Deceit gripped the back of my shirt with two fingers and raised me up further so that I was at eye level. His cold stare was glazed with scrutiny. Scrutiny was bad enough on its own, but seeing it in a giant snakelike eye made it all the more terrifying.

"Did you get me the bear jam?!" exclaimed another new voice.

From the way Deceit was holding me, I couldn't turn around and see who spoke. Deceit's stare shifted to somebody behind me, probably sitting in the living room.

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