Under Control (Hitoshi Shinso x tiny reader)

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Shinso is hottest bnha character. I'm sorry I don't make the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️

I grabbed some cereal from a box that someone had left out. Ever since UA added dormitories to the school, it's been so much easier to get my hands on food. The students leave and train all day, then by the time they come back they're usually so tired that they rarely stay up late, leaving plenty of time for borrowing. I ate some pieces of cereal, and packed some more in my borrowing bag. I was just about to make my way down my rope and head back into the walls, when I heard footsteps approaching.
I quickly jumped behind a fruit bowl on the center of the table. Who was even up this late?? I heard a yawn from behind me and the sound of the coffee machine. Who in the world was making coffee at nearly 4 in the morning?? I heard the sound of coffee being poured into a cup and I let out a quiet sigh, thinking that whoever was in the kitchen would leave soon.

"I know you're in here." said a deep voice.

The voice sent a chill up my spine. Whoever that was, I was pretty sure it was a boy judging by his voice, couldn't possibly know I was here, right? He was only bluffing, right?

"There's no point in hiding. Why don't you come out know and make it easier for the both of us?" he asked, taking a long sip of coffee afterwards.

I frantically searched my mind for a plan, but came up short. Well except for one thing, but it seemed like a long shot.

"This is all a dreeeeeaam." I said.

There was quiet for a deafeningly long moment, and for a second I thought my stupid plan worked. Until I heard a soft chuckle from behind me. Suddenly, my feet started moving forward. I was walking out in the open. I had no control over my own body. I walked out from behind the fruit bowl, and faced the human. Even in the darkness, I could see him clearly enough. He was leaning over the table, his elbows propped up with his head resting on one hand and sipping coffee lazily from the other. He had wild purple hair, mysterious purple eyes and dark circles under his eyes. His pyjama shirt was white with a purple kitten on it, which didn't quite match his dark aesthetic. I kept walking forward until I was directly in front of the human.
Although he was leaning over the table, he still towered over me by quite a bit. I desperately tried to break free of... whatever was happening to my body, but it was no use. This must be part of his quirk. Damn humans. Not only are they absolutely giant, but about 80% of them have uncanny abilities, making them even more powerful. The human looked up and down my small frame, before setting the coffee cup down. With his now free hand, he gently plucked me up by the waist with two fingers. He moved me this way and that, as if examining me from every angle. I so desperately wanted to fight back against him, but I realized that even if I wasn't under his control it's not like I could've done anything to stop a human. The human smiled slightly, which got me off guard. He didn't really seem like the smiley type of person.

"You're... kinda cute."

I was suddenly glad that I couldn't move or control my body, otherwise I'm sure I would have blushed. Wait, no! I mentally slapped myself in the face. This human was keeping me under his control, I shouldn't be finding him attractive whatsoever! The human cocked his head and frowned in confusion, before his eyes widened and he set me back down on the table.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I forgot!" he whisper shouted. "Here, let me just..."

The human blinked and I suddenly felt back in control. I shook my head and moved my fingers, making sure that I was 100% back in control of my body. I smiled at my hands for a second, before hesitantly looking back at the human. What was he playing at?? Why would he let me go from his clutch? The human smiled sadly, and I swore I saw a bit of pain in his dark purple eyes.

"It's fine, I'm used to people looking at me like I'm the bad guy."

"Well you did just control me." I huffed under my breath.

I didn't expect him to hear, but he let out a soft chuckle.

"Yeah fair point. Sorry about that. Uh, I'm Hitoshi Shinso by the way. But you can just call me Shinso." he smiled shyly.

"Uh, I'm (Y/N)."

"Nice to meet you. Again, sorry for controlling you like that. I thought you were someone else. We've been... getting quite a few intruders recently. Villains and all that."

"Yeah I know, that's why I moved to this dorm. The hero course dorms get very chaotic."

Shinso smiled sadly again. He picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

"You know, I really wish I was in the hero course." he sighed.

"First of all, no you don't they're all loud and obnoxious. Second of all, why aren't you in the hero course? With a quirk like that you would become a great hero!" I exclaimed.

Shinso smiled down at me.

"You really think so? You don't think I'm evil and all that."

"No, I don't. Because a villain would've easily taken advantage of me in that vulnerable position. But you, you let me go."

Shinso blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Heh, thanks (Y/N)."

"What are you doing up this late by the way?"

Shinso shrugged.

"I'm kind of an insomniac I guess. I get it from my dad."

"Well, while you're up, do you mind helping me get back to my hidey hole?" I asked.

"You're leaving so soon?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's super late, even for me."

I grabbed my hook and rope off of the side of the table, and stepped into Shinso's awaiting palm. He set me down on the counter and I peeled back the wallpaper to reveal my hole.

"So, you live in the walls?" he asked.


"Isn't it hard living that way? Hiding in the walls, and only coming out for food?"

"Shinso, I'm 4 inches tall. Everything I do is hard."

Shinso flushed and rubbed the back if his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, I guess it would be. Well, uh, if you ever want to, you can stop by my room."

It was my turn to flush, and this time there was no mind control stopping me from turning red.

"Just watch out for the cats."

"Noted," I smiled. "Alright get some rest too. A hero in the works needs his beauty sleep."

I got a glimpse of one more shy smile before I closed off my entrance.

Ok one more because just look at his little smile 🥺

Ok one more because just look at his little smile 🥺

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