4 Feet Of Snow (A Giant Mountain)

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*If you haven't read A Giant Mountain this story will make absolutely no sense*

I looked down at my phone when I got a text message. It was from Émelie, so I opened it eagerly.

Hey, sorry I can't make it today :(

I instantly deflated.

Why not? It's Christmas Eve Eve!!

There is just too much snow, there's no way for me to get up there

How much snow?

About 4 feet

I almost laughed.

Oh big deal!

It is a big deal actually! Maybe not for you, but I assure you 4 feet is a shitload of snow

Fine... I'll just come down myself

Nathaniel don't you dare! I swear to God you're gonna start an avalanche!

I smirked to myself when I turned off my phone. Tonight would be the perfect time to see if the serum worked. It took a lot of begging, and I mean a lot of begging, but my dad finally gave me a needle of serum.

"Hey mom, dad! I'm heading out to see Émelie at her place!" I called to them as I opened the closet to grab a jacket and some boots.

My mom appeared in the main hallway, her arms crossed.

"You're going to her place? What's with the change of plans?"

"She said there was too much snow for her, so I'm just gonna make it easier,"

My dad appeared at my mom's side.

"And just out of curiosity, how much snow did she say there was?" he asked.

"About 4 feet," I shrugged and zipped up my jacket.

My dad stifled a laugh.

"That's not a lot right Marc? He'll be fine right?" My mom asked my dad.

"No not at all. He'll be fine," my dad smiled.

"K great, see you guys later!" I said and I was out the door.

There wasn't a lot of snow right now, and even when I went into the forest there was still hardly any. I crossed the border and stepped into the human world. I walked a little deeper into the human forest when I changed my height. Like Émelie said, I didn't want to cause an avalanche.

I was relieved to find out that the serum worked, but when I was human sized oh gods did I realize just how much snow there was! Turns out that 4 feet of snow is actually a lot of fucking snow. The snow came past my waist, and I was wearing nothing but sweatpants. This was going to be a long trip.

When I finally made it to the city, I felt like giving up. I was absolutely freezing and I could hardly move. Thankfully, Émelie moved in with a foster family that lived right beside the edge of the forest. I stumbled to the front door of what I hoped was the right number. I knocked on the door with shaking hands. The door opened, and there stood Émelie. She was wearing her favourite red hoodie, with grey sweatpants with a little beaver in the corner. She no longer had a cast, and her dark brown hair was still very short, but I liked it that way. It suited her. Her emerald green eyes shone especially bright with all the Christmas lights outside and I could see her freckles more clearly at this size. I was so relieved to finally see her, but instead of smiling she was glaring at me?

"Are you serious?" she deadpanned.

"S-s-surprise!" I stuttered.

She groaned and grabbed the front of my jacket, pulling me inside. I stumbled forward and she slammed the door.

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