Through The Looking Glass (Sanders Sides)

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For Xx_ilovemusicals_xX  
Ily <3

Virgil should have known better than to eat something Remus gave him.

He had offered Virgil a purple, heart shaped cookie with the words 'eat me' written on top with red icing. Normally he would have refused without a second thought, but the dark creativity had gone through the trouble of setting up an Alice in Wonderland-esque picnic in the imagination, and Virgil would have felt bad if he said no. And so he ate it to his friend's—well the closest thing he had to a friend—glee.

It tasted surprisingly good, and Virgil finished it without worry. It was only when he reached for another one that he noticed Remus hadn't eaten his. He was staring at him intently, an alarmingly large grin on his face.

And then Virgil's stomach lurched. His head spun and he had to grip the table to steady himself, bunching the table cloth up in his fists. He peeled an eyelid open, and felt a new wave of nausea settle in. The world around him had magnified in size, leaving Virgil tiny and cowering on the satin cushion.

"Hey these worked faster than last time," Remus hummed as he twirled one of the cookies between his fingers.

Virgil muttered an insult under his breath. How was he being so casual about this? Did he not care how royally screwed he was, on the verge of a panic attack? Virgil almost scoffed at himself. Of course he didn't. If anything, the Duke took pleasure in terrorizing him.

Remus shifted out of his own seat to look at him, casting a large shadow over him. He swallowed thickly as he slowly turned his head upwards, meeting his snide, green eyes.

"Well, how you feeling Virgy?"

"R-Remus what the fuck!" he snapped weakly, backpedaling away from the now giant side.

"That doesn't really answer my question," he said, reaching a massive hand down.

Virgil yelped and tried to dodge, but Remus was quick and easily plucked him off of the chair by his hoodie. Virgil watched with mounting fear as the ground grew further and further away, until he was face to face with Remus himself.

"Awee don't look at me like that!" he teased. He prodded Virgil in the middle, his smirk widening as he let out a strangled cry of fear.

"Stop that! What the hell did you do to me?!" he demanded, his once menacing exterior diminished by his size.

"Gave you an Alice In Wonderland themed cookie, duh. You've seen the movie, haven't you?"

"I didn't think it would actually do anything to me! I thought you were trying to be nice!"

"Well then you have too much faith in me, emo," Remus grinned, not unlike the Cheshire Cat.

Virgil growled out in annoyance. He kicked his legs, but that did nothing as he still flailed dozens of feet in the air. Well actually just a few feet, but it felt like far more to him.

"Awe I love how hard you try it's so cute!" Remus cooed. His eyes widened suddenly with that 'I have an idea face'. Virgil loathed that face. "You know who I forgot to invite?"

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