Long Night (Angel Dust x tiny child reader)

786 30 14

Requested by @S203324
Thanks for tte suggestion and for your patience! I'm so, so so sorry this took FOREVER to get to!

CW: strong language and sexual innuendos

You opened your eyes, and slowly looked around. You didn't know where you were, but it was dark, and very hot.

"Mama?" you whispered. "Papa?"

You slowly stood up and began to walk around.
You walked for a little while, when a light appeared a little ways in front of you. You walked the rest of the way out until you finally reached the light. With your surroundings brightened slightly, you realized that you were inside the walls. Although they didn't look like walls from your home. You peeked your head out of the hole and looked around. It appeared to be a changing room. You walked out onto the vanity and took in your surroundings. It smelt of perfume, liquor and something foul. Before you had time to react, the change room door opened. You froze to the spot as you met the gaze of a giant monster.
It had long white legs and four arms, all covered with pink stripes. Tuffs of fluffy hair sat at the top of its head and it had two large eyes, one white and one black, both with glowing pink irises.
The monster looked you over, and took one long stride towards you. You suddenly remembered that your legs worked and bolted back towards the hole with all your feeble strength. You didn't make it far when long, gloved fingers wrapped around your middle and lifted you off of the surface, bringing you towards the monster's face.

"What the fuck are you supposed to be?" he hummed with a growl as he ruffled your hair with his other hand.

Tears streamed down your face as you kicked and squirmed. You didn't want to be here, you just wanted your mama to hold you close and for your papa to tell you that everything was going to be ok.

"Stop that squirming tickles. Oh yeah, you'll make a great little toy~"

You didn't like the sound of that and started bawling.

"Hey c'mon, enough of that. Why don't you smile for Daddy," he cooed as he placed a finger under your chin and pushed upwards so you met his gaze. He had a large smirk plastered on his face, showing off his sharp teeth that could easily shred your small body to pieces. His expression dropped though upon seeing you clearly. "Oh.. oh shit—I-I mean shoot... you're just a kid," he whispered. "Why the heaven are you here all alone?"

Before you had a chance to compose yourself enough to answer, there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Angel, Valentino wants to talk with y'a!" a voice called from the other side.

"Yeah yeah, tell him not to get his balls in a twist, I'll be there in a minute," the monster, Angel, shot back.

"Ha! Your second funeral."

Angel rolled his eyes, before looking down at you with a soft expression.

"Let's start over yeah? I'm Angel Dust, the pleasure's all mine."

Your shivering and crying had settled down, but you still couldn't find your voice. Mama and Papa had warned you about humans, and you could only imagine how much worse monsters were.

"You got a name kid?" he continued.

You gulped and nodded.

"Y-Y/N," you replied quietly.

"Cute, it suits you," he said with a toothy grin. "Now look, I get you're scared but I promise you I won't hurt y'a! Just stay on my good side and it should be smooth sailing."

You squeaked know fear and began crying again.

"Kidding, kidding! Heh sorry... but seriously kid, I promise I won't hurt y'a."

"P-promise?" you asked as you wiped at your tears.

"I pinky promise," he smiled softly. "Now what say you to some grub, huh? I know a great place where you'll be well taken care of."

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