My world

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Did I write a oneshot based off some random IG post I saw? Pshhh no...

"That's the Big Dipper, obviously, and that's the Little Dipper right there. That one is Taurus, oh and that's Leo!" Darcy rambled on as they pointed out each constellation they knew.

Andrea didn't say anything. She just listened quietly to her small partner. She was laying down on a patch of soft, green moss, her head resting on a rock like a pillow. Darcy sat by her head, leaning into her short red hair.

"Can you see Scorpio yet?" She asked.

"No not yet, that one doesn't come out till fall." Darcy explained. "But pretty soon we can start seeing planets!"

Andrea chuckled at Darcy's excitement. They were so adorable when they got all excited about space and the constellations, and Andrea never got tired of it.

The couple sat in silence for a moment, listening to the sound of crickets and bull frogs as the sky continued to reveal more and more stars.

As the night progressed, Darcy started shaking from the cold. Andrea could hear their teeth chattering, and without hesitation gently scooped them up. She cupped them against her chest, keeping them warm but leaving their head exposed so they could still gaze at the stars. Darcy smiled as they snuggled into the new source of warmth.

"Thanks Andy."

"Of course my little Haumea."

Darcy rolled their eyes at the nickname. On their first stargazing date with Andrea, they pointed out Haumea, a dwarf planet, to her. Ever since, Andrea loved to call them that as a "fun" nickname.

Another few minutes passed, and Andrea let out a loud yawn.

"Alright, you ready to head inside?" She asked Darcy.

"Noooo! I'm on top of the world right now!"

"Um, you're just on top of me."

"I know. You are my world silly."

Also I know nothing about astronomy so if I got something wrong feel free to correct me :)

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