Giant cuddles (Sanders Sides)

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Just a quick drabble based on a head cannon I have that Remus makes himself giant so he can give off more heat for Janus <3   
(since this is the normal au nothing is meant to be romantic, but if that's how you see it that's totally fine /gen)

Fair warning, this is just pure, tooth rotting fluff

Janus pulled his cape tighter around himself, shielding himself from the sudden draft. Or rather, the sudden change of location. Janus had just come back from the light side of the mindscape, which was considerably warmer that the dark side. Oh how he envied the lights for their precious warmth, which they all took for granted. Even Virgil, it seemed, had gotten quite used to the temperature.

He headed to Remus' room, knocking on his door with a shaking hand.

"R-r-remus?" he stuttered.

Remus opened it up quickly, looking down at him.

"Hey what's wron—oh. You want me to do the thing?!" he grinned.

Janus smiled softly and gave a shaky nod, his whole body still trembling. Remus moved to the side, allowing Janus to come into the dank room before shutting the door. Janus put a considerable amount of space between himself and Remus as to allow the dark creativity enough room to grow.

Remus concentrated for just a second before shooting up to his giant height. His room changed sizes with him, and so the furniture, decor and appliances soon engulfed Janus in their shadows. Janus wasn't nervous though. He didn't mind the shift in perspective. And he certainly didn't mind Remus. Despite being the so called 'evil' creativity, he'd never done anything to warrant distrust from Janus. Even when he had his huge height advantage, he only ever used it to care for Janus.

Remus crouched down, extending his hand with his palm faced up in front of Janus.

"A-re your hands clean?" Janus asked with a quirked brow.

"Yes!! I washed them yesterday!"

"T-that's not—" Janus started before realizing it wasn't worth it as his temperature only seemed to decline. "Never-remind," he sighed as he stepped into the offered hand.

Remus cupped him against his chest as he sat down on the couch, throwing his feet on top of the table. Janus melted into the touch, his shudders finally coming to a stop as he soaked up the heat from his friend.

Remus smiled down at him, petting his back with his thumb. Remus really enjoyed being big, but not for the reason the others thought. He didn't like being big for destructive reasons, although that was fun sometimes too. He just liked it because it allowed him to be helpful for once. He got to care for his friends in a way that he usually couldn't. He used to do something similar for Virgil on nights his anxiety was particularly active. Until he left...

But at least Janus still needed him. And he was determined to always be there for him. A lightbulb suddenly went off in his dark little mind.

"Hey Jan! You know where you'd be even warmer?"


"In my mou—"

"Remus if I come into so much as a two foot radius from your mouth I totally won't lock you out of the mind palace for a week!" Janus snarled.

Remus couldn't help but laugh at that. And despite Janus' stoic persona, he found the laughter contagious.

"I hate you," he said.

"Love y'a too."

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