Honeymoon Phase (A Giant Mountain)

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A few years after the events of Here We Go Again, after Émelie and Nathaniel graduated university in their respective worlds, Nathaniel permanently moved to Earth. With the help of his dad, he forged a passport, ID, social security number and all the other things you need to have an identity in the human world. Nathaniel proposed to Émelie two years later while they were out camping to celebrate their meeting anniversary. She said yes, of course, and they got married not even 6 months later. And during their honeymoon, they decide to take a pit stop to visit Nathaniel's family...

"Okay well one of you has to do the dishes while I'm gone!" I pointed out as I smiled sarcastically at my zoom call. On it were mine and Nathaniel's roommates, Katelyn, and Rocky and Clement, who I met through university.

"I can't, I'm autistic," Katelyn said.

"Well I'm gay," Clement countered.

"I'm autistic and gay," Katelyn smirked as she stuck her tongue out.

"I'm trans and mentally ill!" Rocky boasted, as if it was something to boast about.

"We're all mentally ill, Rocky," I deadpanned. "And that's not how we should decide things."

"Well you and Nate are the token straights so..." Clement trailed off.

"FINE! Fine, I'll just, do it when I get back. Try not to let the plates pile up too much."

They all cheered and I made a mocking face at the camera.

"Anyway, we'll let you go so you can go impress 'Thaniel's family," Rocky said as they shot me finger guns.


"Be careful! I hear he has quite the big family," Katelyn added with a knowing smile. I shot her a look.

"Bye babes! Take care!" Clement finally said before he hung up.

I sighed as I put my phone down and looked out the window at Nathaniel pumping gas. He noticed me staring and broke into a goofy grin. I rolled my eyes and faced forward, where I could see the hazy forest and mountain. A pit formed in my stomach.

Everything was going really well with Nathaniel, don't get me wrong. Things were perfect! We had stable jobs, him being an elementary school teacher and me working in local gouvernement. We had friends (well I had friends that became his friends since he moved here). We had a nice place and were saving up to buy our very own house. Things were good.

But Nathaniel missed his family, I could tell. He only got to see them a handful of times over the last couple of years and I couldn't help but feel responsible, as if I took him away from them myself. I especially felt bad since he couldn't exactly invite any of his family to our wedding. Only his dad was able to come, and he didn't stay for too long as he didn't enjoy 'mingling with humans'.

He said it wasn't a big deal, but I saw through it. Which is why I agreed to visit his family during our honeymoon. Even though I was mostly terrified. I only ever met his mom and dad. Here I'd be meeting even more new giants, who's views on humans were...

I jumped as Nathaniel knocked on the window.

"Jesus! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I whined as I opened the door.

"Awee sorry love," he smiled sheepishly as he kissed my forehead. "You doing okay? You looked like you were getting in your head again."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said. I took his hand and grazed my thumb across his knuckles.

"You sure? We don't have to go see my family if you really don't want." He sounded sincere, and I wanted nothing more than to say yes and continue on our trip. But he gave up so much to be with me, the very least I could do was say hello to his relatives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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