Found Family (Aizawa x tiny child reader)

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Requested by: @Bibith567

You stumbled onto the classroom floor, barely able to keep yourself up right.

Food. That was the only thing on your mind. You needed food. It had been days since you ate or drank anything and you could practically hear your dad scolding you for being so stupid. Which you were. Stupid, that is.

Making a burrow in an incredibly busy school of super powered teenagers; amazing call on your part, really. But there was no time to wallow in your mistakes, you needed something to eat. You walked along the walls of the classroom in order to get to the hallway, and then to the cafeteria. You could always smell the amazing food the cafeteria had to offer, but rarely could you actually afford to get it fresh.

Just as you were about to slide under the door, you heard it. Keys. The door knob so far above you began to twist and you hurried away, pressing against the wall and hoping the darkness hid you well enough. The door opened and a pair of black shoes walked past, shaking you to your core. As the figure walked further in to the classroom, and further away from you, you began to see more details to them.

Long black hair, lazy strides and a black jumpsuit. It was Eraser head, though the students mostly called him Mr. Aizawa. Well that was a relief at least. There were far worse people to meet at the school. But it still didn't bode well for you as no human was a good human.

Aizawa started writing things on the black board as you watched him curiously. It was barely cracking 4 am, so he was either an extremely dedicated teacher or an insomniac. Or both.

He had barely wrote anything, when he tensed. He dropped the chalk and turned around. You froze and pressed harder into the wall.

"I know you're in here," his deep, brooding voice growled. "Come out now."

How did he know about you? You were practically hidden! And you weren't even a threat. Even if you were human, you were still a child. You were fine. You should be fine.

"I said come out," he spoke again. Harshly.

With shaky legs you stepped out of the shadows. "H-here," you piped up.

His head turned in your direction, and in another second he had looked down. His eyes widened when they saw you. He took a tentative step forward. And then another. And another until he was crouching down in front of you. His tired yes looked down at you kindly, almost fondly. Even though he seemed approachable, and certainly less aggressive than before, you couldn't help taking a few steps back. It was just instinct. It wasn't right for you to be around something so impossibly large. He sighed sympathetically, but didn't make a move towards you.

"Hey kid, it's ok. I won't hurt you. I thought you were someone else. I'm Shouta Aizawa. Do you have a name?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," you said weakly, shaking your head.

He smiled slightly. "That's very smart of you. I understand. Are you allowed to accept food from strangers?"

"I... I'm not supposed to either."

"Mhm. Well that's an issue.. because I do think you need food. How about this, I stay with you here for a little bit so you can get to know me? That way we won't be strangers?"

You lit up. "Yeah, that's a great idea sensei!" you chirped, grinning.

Aizawa lied down on his stomach to make himself seem smaller as you talked. He talked about his early hero career, about his teaching, his love life, his students... you were right about him. He was a nice man. He acted differently towards his students, only because he had to to make them stronger. But with you he was soft. As the sky began to light up with the soft morning glow, you grew comfortable enough to accept his help.

You climbed into his offered hand and he stood back up. You let out a soft squeak at the sudden, and very drastic, change in height, when his thumb gently brushed against your arm. He smiled down at you and gently cradled you against his chest. You relaxed slightly and let him take you to the cafeteria. He asked if he could hide you in his scarf while he talked to the cooks, and you agreed, thankful for the idea. And thankful that he asked. No ones ever asked you what you wanted before. You liked it.

You heard the muffled conversation as you rested against his skin, his neck scratchy with slight stubble. He began to move again and a few minutes later he gently lifted you out of the scarf. He set you down on the desk. In front of you was a warm plate of... something. You looked up at him inquisitively, not recognizing the food in front of you.

"It's katsudon," Aizawa explained with a hint of amusement. "It's very good."

You nodded and hesitantly broke a piece off. You blinked in surprise, the warmth of it catching you by surprise.

"How is it?"

"Really good!" you said gleefully, mouth still full.

You broke off another piece and several more after that until your stomach felt like it would burst.

"Here," Aizawa said as he pushed a water cap of water towards you. "Drink this."

You downed the cap, wiping the excess off with your sleeve. "Thank you, sensei. This was... this was really nice of you."

"It's the least I could do kid. I couldn't let you go
after seeing you like that, it's not the hero way."

Things became silent as he started eating his own small breakfast as well.

"My class will start soon," he said. "And I don't think you wanna be here when they arrive. Would you be ok if I hid you in my dorm for a little bit? I'll leave extra water and food for you, and I'll visit you as soon as I can."


He gently picked you up again and brought you to his room, setting you down on the massive bed. It was a simple room with limited decorations, but only because this was the place he used when he wasn't staying at his own home.

"Alright, you good kid?" you nodded, and received a smile from the kind man. "Good, be safe okay?"

As he headed for the door, you spoke up before you had the chance to psych yourself out. "Um sensei? My name is Y/N. By the way.."

He smiled back at you with a slow nod. "Alright Y/N, I'll see you later."

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