Be More Inconspicuous Pt 2

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I tapped my foot anxiously on the kitchen counter. I was waiting for Jeremy to come back from school. I couldn't believe I was actually waiting for a human, but there I was. It felt like I hadn't seen him in forever, it was almost like he was avoiding me. Again it was weird that I was mad about not seeing a human, but I thought Jeremy and I had become friends so it really pissed me off that he was suddenly never around!

He started coming home later and later, which was odd considering he has no social life. So his new normal time was after dark. At around 7:30, Jeremy finally came through the front door. He was about to bolt up the stairs, when I yelled at him.

"Hey! Jerry! Get your tall-ass over here right now!" I snapped.

He stopped suddenly, one foot in midair above the first stair. He mumbled something real quick to himself and ran up the stairs.

"Oh that's fine go ahead and ignore me then. I can still make my way up there you know!"

I was bluffing, of course. It would take me way too long and way to much energy to get all the way up the stairs. But to my surprise, Jeremy came back down. He looked at me and but his lip, as if he was nervous about something. Although he is usually a socially awkward-nervous wreck. He hesitantly came into the kitchen.

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Yes I am, but I can explain!"

My eyebrows shot up. He just said an entire sentence, without stammering. He sped walked to the liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of Jin. He took a large sip straight from the bottle. He cringed and coughed, but took another sip.

"Drinking on a school night, really?"

He put the bottle away. His eyes were squeezed shut and he gripped the sides of his head with his hands.

"Shut up!" He snapped.

I was a bit taken aback by his loud voice, but I shook it off.

"Excuse me? Don't tell me to shut up!"

"What no! I wasn't talking to you."

He put the bottle back into the cabinet and pulled a chair in front of the counter. He started swaying slightly.

"Ok, hesgonenow." Jeremy said as he slurred his words together.

"Um who's gone?"

"My... my SQUIP."

I face palmed.

"You are so drunk, you're making up words." I sighed as I turned around.

I grabbed my stuff and was about to head back into the walls. I didn't have time for his nonsense. I decided I'd come back when he was sober.

"No, Y/N wait! Itsalongstory. ButItookthispill.
Itwassupposedtomakemecoolandpopular. Ivebeenavoidingyoubecauseitcancontrolme. Idontwantittoexposeyourkind. Alcoholmessesitup." (It's a long story. But I took this pill. It was supposed to make me cool and popular. I've been avoiding you because it can control me. I don't want it to expose your kind. Alcohol messes it up.)

"Jerry, you are drunk as hell. I'll have a real conversation with you when you're sober." I said as I slipped back into the walls.

I heard him yell at me again to come back, but I ignored it.

The next day I went borrowing bright and early. I didn't get much sleep though. I went to bed late after waiting for Jeremy for one, and for another I was busy thinking about what he said. I didn't know why, what he said about the SQUIP or whatever made no sense, but still the thought of it made me uneasy. As I hopped onto the counter from my hole in the wall, I heard footsteps and quickly hid behind the pepper shaker.

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