Freeze Your Brain (Heathers)

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I'm gonna be honest I couldn't decide between movie Heathers or musical Heathers so it's a mix of both I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️

JD's day hadn't exactly gone according to plan. He had just moved to a new school in Sherwood Ohio, and he may or may not have fired some blanks at two jocks. He had barely attended the school for a week and already got suspended. Man, his dad was gonna kill him.

He entered his house, feet dragging along the ground from exhaustion. He just felt so done with everything. He felt like he could just blow something up. He went to the kitchen to get himself a cigarette and a drink, when he saw a flash of bleu on the kitchen table.

He narrowed his eyes at the fruit bowl in the center of the table. The last thing he needed was a rat infestation in his dad's new house. He pulled out his gun and fired a blank at the fruit bowl in order to scare the mouse out of hiding. However instead of a disgusting rodent, a small girl with gorgeous black hair ran out into the open.

JD's eyes widened as he locked eyes with the small girl. She had wide, scared eyes and was shaking terribly. She wore black shoes, long white stockings, and a matching blue skirt and blazer. Her black hair was frizzed up slightly, framing her round face.

"Well, greetings and salutations." JD smiled as he dropped his gun into the pocket of his deep trench-coat.

The small girl didn't say anything, instead taking a step back. He frowned at her lack of response.

"Not even going to say hello? What dreadful etiquette."

JD took a few steps forward so he was right in front of her. Before she even had the chance to try to run away, JD wrapped his hand around her and lifted her up to eye level. She let out a scared shriek and began kicking her legs.

"Now what are you supposed to be?"

"I-I'm a Veronica." She finally spoke.

JD smiled.

"Jason Dean, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"C-could you put me down please?" Veronica asked quietly.

"Well since you asked so nicely."

JD placed her back down on the table. He pulled out a chair and sat down, though he still basically towered over the small girl. He placed his elbow on the table and propped his head in his hands. Veronica started at him warily.

"So," JD said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "what's a girl like you doing in this humble abode."

"Um, I live here." Veronica said hesitantly.

"What a coincidence, so do I! But at least I pay the rent." He said as he leaned forward.

Veronica's eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry! Just let me go and I'll leave, you'll never have to see me again!"

JD chuckled slightly, sending a chill up Veronica's spine.

"Who said I wanted you gone?"

"Really? You'd... let me stay here?"

"Of course. I've moved around all my life, I wouldn't want to make you leave your home."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It must be hard."

"Don't worry about that. At least wherever I go there's always a Snappy Snack Shack. Slushies are the only thing keeping me sane." JD drawled on.

Veronica laughed slightly, and JD got to see her smile for the first time. She was gorgeous when she smiled.

"Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?" Veronica smirked.

"Not anymore. When Mom was alive, we lived halfway normal. Now it's just me and my dad, we're less formal." He shrugged.

Veronica's smirk fell and she rubbed her arm awkwardly.

"Anyways, I was gonna grab a smoke and a slushy. Care to join me?"

"I've never actually had a slushie before." Veronica admitted.

JD smiled.

"Well allow me to change that."

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