Intrusive Houseguest (Remus x tiny reader)

555 22 3

Requested by DeecravesBEANS
CW: unsympathetic Remus (and honestly just Remus in general) and fear play

You scaled the ornate table leg with ease from years of practice, hoisting yourself up onto the table top. You rolled out the kinks in your sore shoulders as you made your way to a plate of discarded cookies in the center of the table. Your eyes widened with greed as you broke off a large piece. You ate half, before stuffing the other half into your bag.

"Good thing I decided against rat poison," a voice behind you snickered.

You yelped, nearly jumping several inches in the air. You back-pedalled away from the bean, who's distinct voice matched that of Remus, Roman's demented twin. He had been hanging around more often lately, making borrowing very difficult as he was the LAST person you wanted catching you. He broke into a toothy grin as you met his large brown eyes. He leaned forward, much too close for your liking.

"I mean if I had decided on that you'd already be dead! And where's the fun in that?" he continued, his fowl breath washing over you.

You cringed at the putrid smell, backing up further.

"Ah ah ah, where do you think you're going little one?" he cackled as he pinched the back of your shirt, lifting you off the table.

He brought you to eye level, a sick grin on his face. You whimpered, trying to curl up and disappear.

"You're so small... like a hamster! I had a hamster once..." he trailed off, eyes fixated on something in the distance before snapping back to you.

"Oh silly me where are my manners! I'm Remus."

You stared at him, trying to keep your reactions to a minimum as to make him think you couldn't understand. Talking would only make this so much worse. He frowned, shaking you and letting you swing back and forth. You screamed and clung to his finger, scared that your shirt could rip at any moment and set you plummeting to the table bellow.

"I know you can talk, borrower," he sneered.

Your eyes widened as you gaped at him. How did he know what you are?

He grinned, cocking his head to the side arrogantly. "Of course I know what you are!" he responded as if reading your mind. "My brother and I used to read all sorts of fairytales... although I usually came up with my own endings. Don't y'a hate it when stories are all sunshine and rainbows?"

"P-please let me go!" you squeaked out.

"Let you go? HA! No way tiny, you're sticking with me."


He changed his hold on you, wrapping his thick fingers around you tightly. You let out a squeak of fear, closing your eyes tightly and trembling.

"First things first. Seeing as I have the ability to squeeze your little eyeballs clean out of their sockets, I'm in charge. Capiche?"

You nodded quickly, still keeping your eyes shut tightly.

"Great!" he giggled.

He loosened his hold on you, and you let out a breath of relief until you realized he wasn't holding you at all. You screamed, free falling for several seconds before his hand swept underneath you. You groaned as the wind was knocked out of you. You hardly even had time to take in another breath when Remus' hand moved again.

"You're so fragile," he giggled, poking you in the chest roughly.

You fell back with a yelp, scrambling away on his palm only to be stopped by his fingers.

"Can't even defend yourself from a single poke," he tutted as he poked your side again.

You tried to get away, but he was just to big and fast, not to mention there was hardly anywhere to go while stuck in the palm of his hand. You tried to push away the intruding digit, but he easily managed to get by and poke your stomach roughly.

"Awe I love how hard you try, it's so cute!" he snickered, ruffling your hair.

You turned red with anger and embarrassment, but held your tongue. You knew talking back would only worsen the situation. He kept playing with you, pulling on your arms and legs and squeezing you like a toy, when footsteps were heard. He cupped his hands around you and hid them under the table, shielding you from view from whoever came in.

"Dukey? Have you seen my hat?" the voice asked, and judging by its slick tone it was Janus.

"Last I saw Roman took it," Remus answered.

"Ugh fine. He's mad at me, can you go talk to him?"

"Sure thing Dee!"

Janus left and Remus hopped out of his seat. He bounded to the kitchen, rummaging through the garbage and taking out an old jam jar. No no no! He was going to put you in it!You squirmed in his hand, not caring if you fell from this height. Anything to avoid getting put in the jar, that smelled of sweet jam and trash.

"Cliché I know," he smirked as he tossed you into the jar. You let out a strangled yelp upon colliding with the cold surface. You rubbed your side head, before scuttling away from Remus' face to the other end of the jar. "There's hardly a story that doesn't involve keeping a tiny in a jar. But what can I say? It's one of my favourite tropes!"

He screwed the lid on tightly, leaving you alone on the kitchen counter. Without any air holes. You almost wished another side would find you if it meant getting out.

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