Under Control Pt2

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Back by popular demand, I bring you all more Hitoshi Shinso <3
Imagine simping over a fictional 2D character... could never be me ahaha

I sat at the end of the kitchen table and let my legs swing back and forth over the edge. I started nibbling on a rice cracker when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I shot to my feet and raced down my fishing line. I tugged on the rope and let my hook fall to the ground before hastily stuffing everything into my bag. I hid behind a table leg and pressed my back as far as I possibly could into the wooden surface. I nearly lost my balance as the thundering footsteps came into the kitchen. The footsteps stopped in front of the table and I held my breath. I heard someone crouch down and I mentally prepared myself to run.

"Evening (Y/N)."

I jumped forward and spun around. I let out a long sigh of relief when I saw familiar tired eyes looking down at me.

"Shinso! What are you doing up at this hour?!Get some rest dammit!"

"I'll sleep when Bakugo hugs Midorya," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. Shinso offered me his hand and I crawled into the center of his palm. I grabbed at his thumb as he lifted me into the air, holding my breath.

"You know, you don't really have to do all this every other night. I could get you whatever you need, all you have to do is ask."

"No, I'm fine. I know your hero impulse is to help people and all that, but I like borrowing."

"Alright. But you'll have to get better at hiding your tracks. Hatsume came over the other day and tried to offer high tech mouse traps to the general studies course. And," he said as he lifted up the leftover rice cracker from the table. "you can't leave stuff like this in the open."

I flushed and looked down.

"Yeah I guess I have been getting sloppy lately."

"S'alright, I can convince the others it's nothing. Just as long as you get better at hiding your tracks too."

Shinso set me down on the table and handed me the rice cracker. I finished eating it as he made his early morning cup of coffee.

"You know you should try drinking tea more. Less caffeine. You'll probably sleep better."

Shinso smiled as he took a long sip.

"You sound like Yaoyorozu."

Shinso took another sip as he looked out the window.

"Hey (Y/N)?"


"I was planning on going for an evening walk, and I was wondering if you wanted to join me," he asked with a blush.

I blushed in return and nodded meekly.

"Yeah that would be nice," I replied with a smile.

Shinso offered his hand to me once again. As soon as I had stepped on, he placed me into his chest pocket. I lost my balance on the unstable surface and ended up on my back. Shinso chuckled at my blunder, and I felt it all around me, being so close to his chest. I could have fallen asleep in the hammock like area, the soft flannel from his pyjamas and his firm chest surrounding me with warmth, but then he started moving.

I managed to stand back up and poked my head out of the pocket, keeping both hands firmly on the lip so I didn't fall out. I watched as Shinso stepped out of the dorm and out onto the massive field outside. I breathed in the fresh night air. It had been several months since I had been outside, and it felt so nice.

"You look like you've never seen the outdoors," Shinso hummed.

I looked up at him, but only saw the underside of his jaw. His very perfectly shaped jaw—no snap out of it!

"Yeah I haven't been outside in months. It's too dangerous for me to go outside, unless it's for an important reason."

Shinso's turned his head down to look at me, and I blushed brightly upon being caught staring. I wanted to look away, but his purple eyes kept me frozen. A slight smirk formed on his face.

"Well then it's a good thing I'm here to protect you," he hummed gently.

I flushed further and fought to keep the grin off my face.

"Uh-yeah totally," I coughed as I sank into the pocket.

A new voice came out of nowhere, and I was suddenly very glad that I had already sunk down.

"Shinso, what are you doing outside of the dorms at this hour?" the voice scolded. I recognized the deadpan delivery immediately as Mr. Aizawa.

"Oh I was just... taking a walk..?" Shinso fumbled for an excuse.

"I can see that. You know you shouldn't be out and about like this, especially with the League Of Villains still out and about. And, don't you have your training session with Class 1A and 1B?"

I perked up at that. Why would Shinso have a training session with them? He wasn't part of the hero course... unless something changed! Is that why he always went to extra training sessions with Aizawa? Why wouldn't he tell me about that?

"Yeah you're right, thank you sensei. Good night," Shinso excused himself with a small bow.

He walked away and once he were alone again he gently pulled me out of his pocket with two fingers. He looked to me sheepishly, and was about to say something, when I cut him off.

"You're getting into the hero course?!" I exclaimed.

"I—well... not exactly. I have to prove myself first. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just... I didn't want things to change. I really like spending time with you, and well if I—and trust me it's a big if—get in I would have to move and—"

"Shinso, relax," I chuckled. I smiled, never seeing him so flustered before. "If—and I don't think it's that big of an if—you get in, I can just move with you silly."

Shinso smiled softly.



"Oh ok, that's reassuring. Thanks Y/N."

He placed me back into his pocket and returned to the dorms. He pulled me out of the pocket again and was about to lower his palm to the counter, when I stopped him.


He brought his hand back up in front of his face. He looked at me with a puzzled expression. Pushing my nerves aside, I leant forward and kissed his bottom lip. I sat back down at looked to him with a shy smile.

"T-that was for good luck. For-for tomorrow."

Shinso's cheeks darkened. He blinked twice, and broke into a wide smile.

"Uh~thanks," he chuckled.

He set me down on the counter and quickly left. I chewed in my thumb nervously, feeling my face heat up. My face stayed fixed in a permanent smile, even as I tucked myself into bed. I breathed a sigh of longing and fell asleep.

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