Be More Inconspicuous (Be More Chill)

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"C-c-come on!"

I tugged desperately at my leg trapped under the mouse trap. How did I not see it? It's one of the most obvious traps out there!

"C-come on, go go!"

Suddenly, I heard footsteps come into the kitchen. I stiffened as light flooded into the cupboard under the sink.

"Jesus Christ..." A voice gasped.

I recognized it as the teenager that lived in the house, Jeremy. I looked up and met his gaze, his eyes wide and mouth agape. I tried backing up, but the mouse trap was too heavy to drag along with me. Jeremy's eyes moved towards the mouse trap.

"Oh-oh you're hurt! Heere, lemme just..." He stammered as he reached his hand closer to me.

"No!" I shouted as I put my arms up in front of me defensively.

I waited for his pale digits to wrap tightly around me, but it never came. I hesitantly looked up at him, to see that his arms were glued firmly to his sides.

"S-sorry! It's just... I only wanna help."

I glared at him. I knew better than to trust a human. He flinched at my glare, and looked as though I actually hurt him.

"Look, can I-I at least take the trap off-off of your foot?"

I looked down at my leg. I've been trying to take the bar off of it for what seemed like hours, and I had to admit it won't come off without some help. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before nodding. I felt his clumsy fingers slowly lift the bar off of my leg and dragging it out of the cupboard. When I opened my eyes again Jeremy was still in front of me, now holding the mouse trap.

"Thank you." I said.

"Uh yeah, sure. No problem."

I stood up, and turned around to bolt for the closest exit. I broke so many rules, I'd have to move out and everything!

"W-wait! Um, are you leaving?"

I stopped in my tracks. Without turning around, I nodded.

"Oh... well can I at least get your name?"

"Why? You're not gonna see me again, what's it to you?" I snapped.

Crap... I just talked back to a human! I should've ran when I had the chance.

"Well n-no... but it would be nice to know you, I guess. I just, don't have many friends." He said lamely.

I slowly turned around. I looked over his pale, skinny frame. I could see why he didn't have many friends. Come to think if it, I think I've only ever seen one other guy come over. He wore huge headphones and smelled like pot a lot.

"It's Y/N." I said simply.

He smiled widely.

"C-cool! I-I'm Jeremy."

I didn't see him smile very often, so it was nice to see. I had to bite my lip to not smile as well. Maybe I didn't have to leave right away. I mean who was he gonna tell about me? His dad and his one friend?

"I'll call you Jerry."

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